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  • subterminal cutting x
  • HortTechnology x
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and subterminal cuttings for propagating ‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany. The purpose of this study was to develop an efficient protocol to propagate ‘Coy’ alder-leaf mountain mahogany successfully via stem cuttings. We evaluated wounding methods

Open Access

serving as a block) of confederate rose under evaluation in a breeding program and growing in field rows at the USDA-ARS Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Laboratory (lat. 30°50′26″N, long. 89°32′46″W; USDA hardiness zone 8b). Subterminal cuttings were

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objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two common plant growth retardants, paclobutrazol and flurprimidol, applied as substrate drenches on the growth and flowering of swamp sunflower. Materials and methods Expt. 1. Subterminal cuttings of

Open Access

by a water-powered, non-electric chemical injector (Dosatron; Dosatron International, Clearwater, FL). The stock plants were 5 months old when cuttings were collected at the end of Feb. 2021. A mixture of terminal and subterminal cuttings was

Open Access

). Rooting Two node terminal and subterminal stem cuttings of three plant species [‘Nanho Blue’ butterfly bush ( Buddleja davidii ), ‘Catawba’ crape myrtle ( Lagerstroemia indica ), and ‘Phantom’ hydrangea ( Hydrangea paniculata )] were collected 19 May

Open Access