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  • side flower x
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cultivar with unique characteristics of possessing side flowers and bicolored floral discs. Origin The cultivation technician group of Caozhou Tree Peony Garden (formerly called Zhaolou Tree Peony Garden) has carried out breeding and selections for

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( Fig. 2A ). At this time, the number of newly opened flowers at the apex (not shown in Fig. 2 ) averaged 11.1 ± 0.3 per raceme, and the upper region of the inflorescence resembled the right-side apical image of Figure 1 . Fig. 2. Total, lower

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. Earlier studies showed the position of flower bud emergence. Flower buds of sacred lotus emerge from the abaxial side of the basal part of the foliage leaves ( Kumazawa, 1979 ; Miki, 1927 ; Takhatajan, 1969 ; Wigand and Dennert, 1888 ). Scanning

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considering production of floral crops in high tunnels, the emphasis is on flowering plants grown for cut flowers, rather than other categories of floriculture products such as bedding plants, potted flowering plants, and foliage plants that are normally grown

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, ideal stock plants also need to have many thick side branches without flower buds ( Dole and Gibson, 2006 ; Moe, 1976 ). Plant growth regulating chemicals have been used to promote plant elongation in the past, but this method has been restricted

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under severe water stress ( Agehara and Leskovar, 2012 ; Berkowitz and Rabin, 1988 ; Moftah and Al-Humaid, 2005 ). Under optimum growing conditions, conversely, antitranspirants may have negative side effects. Stomatal closure reduces water stress at

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Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) are one of the most destructive insect pests of horticultural crops ( Helyer and Brobyn, 1992 ; Jensen, 2000 ; Kirk, 2002 ; Kirk and Terry, 2003 ). The

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(LSfruitlet), and a hand-thinned treatment were also included in the experimental design. Three king bloom flowers and three side bloom flowers per block (12 total) were collected 24 h after the first application of LS or Regalia ® . Flower samples were stored

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effects on fruit number and yield in ‘Natchez’ (Expt. 2). Flowering laterals without flowers was increased by exogenous GA 3 , and this negative side effect was maximized at 198 g·ha −1 ( Fig. 2A ). The dose-response was described by an exponential

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temperatures lead to later flower closure in pitaya ( Zee et al., 2004 ). Flower opening and closing are controlled by the petal movement, which is induced by the difference in growth rates of the two sides ( van Doorn and van Meeteren, 2003 ). Cell elongation

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