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in Malus crabapple ( Fig. 1 ), which accumulates high levels of anthocyanins in its leaves and flowers ( Deluc, 2006 ; Henry-Kirk et al., 2012 ; Schaart et al., 2013 ). Indeed, crabapple leaves are used as a raw material for the extraction of

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subtend a collection of 20 to 30 small, less conspicuous flowers. The bracts are commonly referred to as petals but are modified leaves ( Cappiello and Shadow 2005 ). The ornamental interest of C. florida also extends to the developing leaves, which vary

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creeping bentgrass grown in a greenhouse. They found that fructan levels in leaves were reduced in single- and double-cut creeping bentgrass compared with uncut plants by 52% and 45%, respectively. Glucose levels were reduced 31% in double-cut creeping

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to result in an increase in frequency and intensity of heat waves and drought ( U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2008 ). Leaves function as the primary manufacturer of many metabolites used during plant growth. Both the integrity of the machinery

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first sign of leaf wilt to replenish the root zone with water ( Fry and Huang, 2004 ). DI irrigation generally is recommended for maintaining cool-season grasses in summer ( Beard, 1973 ; Fry and Huang, 2004 ). Carbohydrate metabolism in leaves and

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In 1988, shade tree leaves were banned from landfills and combustion facilities in New Jersey. The initial reason was that siting of new landfills and combustion facilities was difficult and existing landfill capacity had sharply decreased

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al., 2009 ), probably because water and CO 2 transfer through a shared pathway in some parts in leaves. Both water vapor and CO 2 cross the aerial sub-stomatal cavity through the stomata ( Flexas et al., 2012 ). Although the directions of water

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leaves with a reciprocating tea-cutting machine is low and the yield is excellent; however, dealing with the components of fresh tea leaves in tea picking by reciprocating machine are more complex. These include, for example, picking leaves, bud heads

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( Lara et al., 2011 ), and genes ( Christou et al., 1988 ; Torney et al., 2007 ); improve general growth profile ( Arora et al., 2012 ); and even modify the light reflective index of leaves to disorient insect predators (C. Brodersen, personal

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of inositol and sugars in their leaves ( Sacher and Staples, 1985 ). mRNA profiling of NaCl-treated tomato plants has shown that salt stress can affect many different pathways ( Ouyang et al., 2007 ; Zhou et al., 2007 ). The objective of this study

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