vegetable feedstocks current output is 3.8 billion gallons of fats and oils annually. For every 10 gallons of biodiesel produced, 1 gallon of glycerol is generated through transesterification of animal and vegetable oils ( Demirbas, 2009 ; Kenar, 2007
with three temperatures, three storage periods, and five relative humidity treatments. Storage chambers consisted of 5-gallon plastic pails into which humidified air was introduced. This was generated by pumping air at 500 mL·min −1 through glycerol
Solutions of glycerol and water provide a convenient and inexpensive system to control the relative humidity (RH) in small controlled-environment chambers. The relationship between the specific gravity (SG) of a glycerol-water solution and its equilibrium RH is described by the equation SG = [-0.189 (RH) + 19.9]0.0806. Gas can be humidified by bubbling it through jars containing solutions of glycerol-water with the desired equilibrium RH. The effects of flow rate, volume of solution, temperature, and pressure on the equilibrium RH are discussed.
The croprotectants, polyvinylpyrolidone, glycerol, ethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide were applied individually or in combination with each other in the form of a spray on whole apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees in the greenhouse and by terminal feeding apple and pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees in the field. The trees were tested both by artificial and natural freezing. The cryoprotectants increased cold resistance, however, different cultivars showed different effects with the various protective agents. Factors other than the colligative properties appeared to modify the effects of cryoprotectants.
The ability of urea foliar sprays containing hydrocarbon or silicone surfactants to maintain leaf N concentration in mature prune (Prunus domestica L.) trees was tested in a non-irrigated commercial orchard near Young, New South Wales. In 1976-77, foliar-applied N was as effective in maintaining leaf N concentration as soil-applied N on a g for g N basis, but a silicone surfactant which enabled sprays to completely wet leaves and to spontaneously penetrate open stomata, was no more effective in terms of leaf N concentration than a conventional hydrocarbon surfactant. In 1977-78, a drought year, foliar-applied N was more effective than soil-applied N. However, the silicone surfactant was less effective than the hydrocarbon, as run-off was excessive and the spray film dried very rapidly. Inclusion of the humectant glycerol in the silicone sprays retarded the rate of drying and eliminated the difference between the surfactants. A combination of soil and foliar N is suggested as a means of maximizing control of tree N status in most years. However, conventional surfactants appear to be slightly superior to silicone surfactants in high-volume spraying.
allow plant tissues to reach a vitrification state and prevent ice crystal formation ( Niino and Arizaga, 2015 ). The most applied vitrification solution is the PVS2, which contains 30% (w/v) glycerol, 15% (w/v) ethylene glycol, 15% (w/v) dimethyl
; were tryptophan deaminase positive; showed urease activity; hydrolyzed cellulose; grew on YDA amended with 2% NaCl; produced acids from galactose, arabinose, glycerol; and used acetate, formiate, and citrate ( Prior and Rott, 1989 ). Isolates were shown
available product recently marketed by the Liquid Fence Company (Broadheadsville, PA) to improve both freeze avoidance and tolerance. FreezePruf contains polyethylene glycol, potassium silicate (AgSil 25; PQ Corp., Valley Forge, PA), glycerol, silicone
Han 2006 ). Glycerol, derived from animal and vegetable fats, is often used as a plasticizer in edible film production for food packaging ( Janjarasskul and Krochta 2010 ). Nordin et al. (2020 ) showed that the addition of glycerol to corn starch
compounds, 2-O-methyl-D-mannopyranose, glycerol, two tetratetracontane isomer, tetrahygro-4-pyranol, 1,6-anhydro-beta-d-glucopyranos, palmitic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxystyrene, methyl-octadeca-9,12-dienoate, and 2-deoxy-D-galactose were >2% ( Table 1