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, foliar blight, and a fruit rot. A significant challenge for breeding resistant peppers is the high genetic and virulence diversity of the pathogen found in the field ( Castro-Rocha et al., 2016 ; Granke et al., 2012a ; Lamour and Hausbeck, 2000 , 2001

Open Access

the industry is fruit rot. Cranberry fruit rot is caused by a complex of fungi from at least 12 genera ( Oudemans et al., 1998 ). In New Jersey, 25% fruit loss is common, even with multiple, carefully timed fungicide applications beginning during mid

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, pumpkins, and cucumbers in the United States with more than 68,500 acres of vegetable crops susceptible to P. capsici grown annually ( Anonymous, 2013 ). In the midwest and eastern United States, P. capsici commonly causes a fruit rot on cucurbits and

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Much of the highbush blueberry crop goes to fresh market and postharvest decay is an ongoing problem. The most important postharvest disease of blueberry is anthracnose fruit rot [causal agent Colletotrichum acutatum and, in some growing regions

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rot are prevalent. Between 2003 and 2008 many watermelon growers in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina did not harvest their crop as a result of severe fruit rot. In some instances fruits rotted after shipping, resulting in rejection of entire

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Phytophthora capsici is a destructive pathogen of cucurbit and solanaceous vegetables. All cultivars of squash are considered susceptible to phytophthora root, crown, and fruit rot ( Babadoost and Islam, 2003 ; Cafe et al., 1995 ); losses in

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; Mills et al., 2002 ; Mitchell and Teel, 1977 ; Price and Baughan, 1987 ; Vaughan and Evanylo, 1998 ). Soil splashing can help disseminate important fungal pathogens of tomato such as anthracnose fruit rot, early blight ( Alternaria solani ), and

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cultivar. In South Africa, brown rot of fruit is primarily incited by Phytophthora nicotianae or Phytophthora citrophthora ( Meitz-Hopkins et al., 2013 ). It is a disease that can severely reduce yield, fruit quality, or both in the orchard or in the

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cluster exposure by thinning dense canopies that can otherwise exacerbate rot incidence and severity ( English et al., 1989 ; Hed et al., 2009 ; Hickey et al., 2018b ; Wolf et al., 1986 ). Fruit zone leaf removal is used to decrease rot incidence ( Hed

Open Access

.g., light exposure and air circulation) that reduces conditions favorable to bunch rot complex diseases ( Percival et al., 1994 ; Reynolds et al., 1986 , 1996 ; Zoecklein et al., 1992 ) while improving fruit quality ( Smart et al., 1990 ), in particular

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