methods available to visualize target molecules in gels, but our discussion will be limited to protein and DNA detection. Of course, some molecules, such as food dyes that maintain their color throughout the electrophoresis, do not require an additional
films to improve food quality. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL Balaswamy, K. Rao, P.G.P. Satyanarayana, A. Rao, D.G. 2006 Stability of bixin in annatto oleoresin and dye powder during storage Lwt-Food Sci. Technol. 39 952 956 Baldwin, E. Bai, J. Plotto
) cultivars had the highest total anthocyanins observed of genotypes of Ribes , Rubus , and Vaccinium ( Table 2 ). Black raspberry extract was used in the early 20th century as a dye stamp for meat inspection in the United States and as a food colorant
The commercial production of preserved plant materials for decorative purposes is expanding. The industry, once dominated by a relatively small number of large wholesale firms, marketing through traditional retail florists, is undergoing change. A large retail craft supply industry, country accent retail stores and home-based businesses selling at craft fairs have greatly expanded the market for preserved plant materials. Glycerin has often been used to maintain flexibility and reduce breakage of preserved foliages. Dyes are added to the glycerin to add color to the tissue as the chlorophyll fades. Competition in the marketplace places constant pressure on controlling costs. Technical grade dyes of lower dye purity and higher salt concentrations have a lower cost per gram of material than food grade dyes. The effect of the two grades of dye on uptake of glycerin/dye solutions into Eucalyptus cinerea were measured. Under both growth chamber and laboratory room environments glycerin solution alone was systemically absorbed at a greater rate and in larger quantity than either grade of dye. A variation in systemic absorption between grades of dye was also indicated.
The primary pigments in red beet are the betalains, which include the red-violet betacyanins and the yellow betaxanthins. The recent adoption of betalain pigments from red beet as an alternative to synthetic food dyes has heightened interest in genetic modification of pigment production. Dominant alleles at two tightly-linked loci (R and Y) condition production of betalain pigment in the beet plant; however, several alleles at the R locus influence pigment amount and distribution. A mutant phenotype, characterized by irregular sectors of blotchy red and white root color, arose spontaneously in the beet breeding nursery. The blotchy mutant plant was used in crosses with non-blotchy inbred lines to characterize its inheritance. Chisquare goodness-of-fi t tests of segregation data in backcross and F2 generations for several genetic backgrounds did not deviate from the hypothesis that a single recessive gene controls the blotchy phenotype. Linkage analysis was conducted to determine if the blotchy phenotype was conditioned by a new locus or an allele at a previously described locus. Our data indicate the bl gene resides at a newly described locus linked to R and Y. Maximum likelihood estimation revealed a linkage distance between R and Y of 8.95 ± 0.49 cM. The linkage distance between R and BL was calculated at 13.99 ± 1.18 cM, and the overall linkage between Y and BL was determined to be 28.8 ± 4.2 cM. Our data suggest the RYBL genomic region plays a critical role in the genetic control of betalain biosynthesis.
The term Ethnobotany describes the study of people's relationships to plants as foods, fibers, medicines, dyes, and tools throughout the ages. Using the student active technique of experiential learning, undergraduate students enrolled in landscape design and implementation classes at Clemson University planned and installed an Ethnobotany garden in partnership with the South Carolina Botanical Garden (SCBG) staff, volunteers, and Sprouting Wings children. Sprouting Wings is an after-school gardening and nature exploration program for under-served elementary school students. College students and faculty working on this service-learning project contributed over 1,000 hours to their community while learning more about both the art and the science of landscape design and implementation. Students enrolled in the landscape Implementation class were surveyed to evaluate their perceptions on a variety of possible learning outcomes for this class. Students indicated that their service learning experience with the Ethnobotany project allowed them to acquire and practice new skills, broadened their understanding of the surrounding community, increased their ability to work in real world situations, introduced new career possibilities, gave students a better understanding of their course work, increased their ability to work on a team, increased their knowledge of environmental sustainability, and allowed them to discover or develop leadership capabilities. In a survey question regarding preference for service learning rather than traditional classes, the majority of students prefer the service learning pedagogy. In addition, most students reported a high degree of initiative for this project in their reflections.
Labeling of individual fresh fruit and vegetables has the potential for providing product traceability, thereby strengthening food safety systems against food-borne outbreaks. Currently, each piece of fresh produce entered into the conventional
and no differences were seen among controls for vase life. Sneha et al. (2019 ) examined six different food dyes on cut gerbera, carnation, and gladiolus stems and reported that a longer soak time (7.5 h) resulted in brighter flowers but reduced vase
that encourage individuals to preserve food at home include having more control over the ingredients in food, becoming self-sufficient, and saving money ( Dye and Hoffman 2014 ). In Texas, most home FP programs and workshops are conducted by County
for some commercial food products that contain carrot. In this study, we evaluated tocochromanol levels in commercially available carrots and food products containing carrot to obtain a fuller picture of vitamin E levels in this vegetable, and compared