We thank Gerardo Bergamin from Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Carlos Alemany, National Institute of Agriculture Technology Estación Agropecuaria Alto Valle, Argentina; Francisco Roberto Caporal Technical Assistantce and Rural Extension Enterprise
eOrganic is the organic agriculture CoP and resource area for the national web-based extension community of land-grant university content providers, eXtension. eOrganic was initiated as a CoP in 2007 (the first eXtension CoPs were initiated in 2006
accurate information about horticultural topics, trends, and research. To this end, the Extension Master Gardener (MG) program has become an established nationwide framework for participants to increase their own horticultural knowledge while simultaneously
The Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) Master Gardener (MG) Coordinator Manual, a 14-chapter resource book, was developed cooperatively with teams of VCE MGs, coordinators, and agents to enhance coordinators' skills. It includes chapters on risk management, volunteer management, the educational process, current policies, and the volunteer section of the VCE Master Gardener's Handbook. The VCE MG Coordinator Manual was the basis of four local VCE MG coordinator-training sessions in 1998. This evaluation showed that coordinators are using the manual and adapting the suggestions and samples to fit their local programs, despite the fact that more planning time is often required. Those using the manual increased their understanding of VCE goals and the role of the VCE MG and slightly increased their leadership skills. Reading the manual showed a need for information on training VCE MGs to work with agents to design and implement strong horticulture education programs for Virginia communities. Areas for improvement were identified before final publication.
Six comprehensive surveys of the Florida citrus industry (345,645 ha), published from 1989 to 1993 as extension bulletins, provide information essential for long-range research and extension program planning and evaluation. These surveys documented changes in production practices, regional priorities for extension programming, marketing trends, and grower ranking of information sources. While formal, comprehensive surveys may be a valuable tool in long-range extension programming for large horticultural industries, more rapid, creative survey methods and educational programs may be needed for more timely programs and for specialized industry groups.