current study was to determine the clonal responses to K-IBA across seasonal developmental stages of cuttings and to determine whether rooting and callus percentages and rooted cutting quality (root number, length, and mass) would be sufficient for
‘Damaohua’ and ‘Yujin 2’ at six developmental stages were collected from the resource garden of the College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University. Determination of chloroplast pigment. Temporary slides were prepared for the observation of pigments from
pecan cultivars, the mechanism that regulates phenotypic traits is not clear. Plant growth and development is a complex process with different phenotypic and physiological characteristics among different developmental stages, which are regulated by many
identify ethylene sensitivity differences (levels of sensitivity and symptoms) between accessions within the Solanaceae family; and 2) to identify ethylene sensitivity differences at different developmental stages (seedling, juvenile, and mature plants
development. Experiment 2 assessed resveratrol accumulation in UV-C irradiated leaves. For experiment 1, healthy leaves were sampled at different developmental stages under natural conditions. The leaves were labeled when the leaves emerged, and healthy leaves
stages of terminal shoots in relation to flowering. We also determined expression levels of the litchi homolog CO , FT, and FLC in these trees to determine an appropriate developmental stage for litchi flowering. Materials and Methods Plant material
Nutrient uptake by `Apache', `Jersey City', `Peoria', and `Philadelphia' snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus L.) was compared at three developmental stages: Stage I, vegetative to bud initiation; Stage II, bud initiation to visible bud; and Stage III, visible bud to anthesis. Significant differences in uptake occurred between one or more developmental stages for all nutrients tested:
Commercial quality cut-roses were produced in a single-stem production system from single node cuttings. A significant advantage to single-stem rose production is that specific environments can be used for specific developmental stages of rose growth. In stage 1 (propagation), cuttings were treated with a 5-second dip in 500 ppm IBA/250 ppm NAA solution, placed in growing media in 8-cm pots, and placed under intermittent mist (5 second every 5 minutes) with growing medium temperature of 35°C. In stage 2 (axillary budbreak and stem development to visible pea size flower bud), rooted cuttings moved to benches (200 stems/m2) in a greenhouse at 14 to 16°C night, and plants received 12 hours supplemental light at 80 to 100 mol·m–2s–1. In stage 3 (stem elongation and flower bud development), small rose plants (30 to 35 cm tall with a pea-size flower bud) were moved to 100 stems/m2 in a greenhouse at 14 to 16°C night with ambient light. Through seven sequential crops of rose cuttings grown from Feb. through May 1995, rooting required a mean of 16 days, flower buds were visible in 42 days, and flower harvest required a mean of 58 days. Accumulated radiation and average temperatures through the spring had significant effects on the number of days in each developmental stage of rose growth.
Terms describing or identifying developmental stages of horticultural crops are not used consistently, thus the meaning of each term becomes ambiguous. The cause for this discrepancy is speculative; however, the discrepancy could be minimized if a set of widely applicable definitions were available as guides in selecting the appropriate terms. Lott (2) recommended definitions for the terms “mature” and “ripening” and their derivatives. However, his definitions of the term “mature” and its derivatives were restricted to fruit while it is still attached to the plant, and the definitions of the term “ripe” and its derivatives were restricted to physiological changes and conditions which occur in fruit following harvest, which limit the use of terms only to specific fruits and exclude any of those ripening prior to harvest.
Anthers of L-680A', `Licato', and `Ailsa Craig' tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were plated on Doy's basal medium 1 to determine whether microspore developmental stage and anther length influence anther callus production. Although calli were induced at all stages of anther development, anthers containing prophase I-stage microspores produced the highest frequency of calli. Fewer calli were produced as microspores approached the uninucleate and binucleate pollen stage. Callus diameter also decreased as anther development progressed. Significantly larger calli were produced from prophase I than later-stage anthers. Time of anther harvest (morning vs. afternoon) did not significantly affect callus number or diameter. Anther and flower bud length both were significantly correlated with anther developmental stage, the number of anthers producing calli, and mean calli diameter. In each case, anther length exhibited a significantly better correlation than bud length.