. Accurate identification of liriopogon cultivars is difficult as cultivar descriptions used in catalogs and literature are qualitative in substance. Thus, one description (e.g., scapes overtop leaves with purplish flowers; leaves variegated with a golden
outlining the boundaries as closed polygons (vector data) using the official AVA descriptions and approved U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps listed in the Code of Federal Regulations ( U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 1985 , 1986
characteristics of ‘Ourania’ walnut compared with the reference cultivars Chandler and Hartley. Table 2. Average nut and kernel traits of ‘Ourania’ walnut compared with the reference cultivars Chandler and Hartley. Description Phenological evaluation. ‘Ourania’ is
et al., 2017 ; Moradi et al., 2017 ). Similarly, a detailed metabolomics and microscopic description of stip-affected tissue would establish the description of this disorder, identify potential metabolites involved during symptom expression, and
publishing validated histories and descriptions of the many parent cultivars used by commercial producers throughout the Midwest. Emphasizing the Benefit of Published Cultivar Descriptions The participatory nature of chestnut genetic improvement
published descriptions from scientific journals, seed catalogs, and websites of seed companies. Assistant editors responsible for each crop were instructed to obtain as much information as possible about the cultivars available to North American growers. The
) Office ( https://apps.ams.usda.gov/CMS/ ), published descriptions from scientific journals, seed catalogs, and websites of seed companies, as well as inputs from vegetable breeders. Assistant editors responsible for each crop were instructed to obtain as
Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D. Don [Cupressaceae Bartling, formerly assigned to Taxodiaceae Warm.] is increasing in popularity as a landscape plant in the eastern United States. A taxonomic study of cultivars grown in the eastern United States was conducted. Forty-five cultivars were recognized. Each cultivar bears synonymy, a quantitative morphological description newly described from field data, herbarium vouchers, references to original literature and observational notes. A glossary of taxonomic terms relevant to Cryptomeria is presented. A taxonomic key is presented for segregation of cultivars that should assist professional plantsmen in identification of taxa cultivated in the eastern United States.
Information is presented about the linkages and relationships between the research and the transfer of technology-extension systems established within the countries that compose the Common Market of the South [Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR)]. A brief description about the history of agricultural extension in each country is included along with descriptions of the major changes that have occurred within the last 10 years. This analysis allows a general comparison among the different extension approaches, and in particular regarding the institutional development for the system in the four countries of MERCOSUR.
experiment sites. Climate condition data form the National Meteorological Information Center ( http://data.cma.cn/ ). Description ‘Lianjiu No. 1’ is characterized by dark red large leaves in autumn. The leaf length, excluding the petiole, and width