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The following 11 cultivars were registered 20 July 2020 by Michael Dodge; Vermont Willow Nursery, VT ( Vermont Willow Nursery, 2020 ). ‘Arnold Select’. A vigorous male clone of S. miyabeana Seemen. It is a large shrub that is ornamental in all

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, C. japonica cultivars and hybrids are the most widely grown ornamental camellia, with more than 18,141 registered cultivars of horticultural use ( Wang et al. 2021 ). Ornamental camellia cultivars are flowering shrubs that exhibit a wide range of

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.S. National Arboretum, have been instrumental in the development of modern cultivars that have the typical lengthy flowering period during the summer months and a diversity of flower colors as well as disease (powdery mildew) resistance, cold-hardiness, showy

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objectives of our studies were to identify cilantro and coriander yields, suitable cultivars, and optimal row spacing for commercial production. Given the recent incidences of contamination with human pathogens in imported cilantro, we also wanted to

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Eight staked, determinate tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivars were harvested when green (before breaker stage) or when pink (breaker stage and riper) in two replicated field studies. In general, total yield and average fruit size were reduced when fruit were harvested at the green stage. Harvest maturity had only a small effect on occurrence of most fruit defects, except fruit cracking, which was more severe for pink than for green fruit in the early season experiment. Although total yields for pink harvested fruit were higher than for green harvested fruit in the early season study, the high incidence of fruit crack in pink fruit resulted in similar yields of U.S. combination grade (U.S. no. 1 and U.S. no. 2) fruit for both treatments. Because the largest fruit often bring a premium price, harvesting fruit when pink probably will result in a higher price per kilogram than harvesting fruit when green. Fruit harvested green, however, are generally firmer, more crack resistant, and require fewer harvests than fruit harvested pink.

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The production of temperate zone fruit crops in subtropical environments has increased significantly in the last 30 years. Low-chill cultivars of apple, blueberries, plum, and peach have been developed by several breeding programs and are in

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walnut breeding programs in many countries are to provide late-leafing cultivars with a high yield and a resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, there has been a limited number of studies on the cluster-bearing habit in walnuts ( Germain et al

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40 onion cultivars are available to Michigan growers from various seed suppliers. Some of these cultivars offer resistance to pink root incited by Setophoma terrestris (H.N. Hansen) Gruyter, Aveskamp, & Verkley (Syn: Phoma terrestris ) and

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several eggplant cultivars and to examine possible relationships of these patterns to aspects of fruit quality. Three other shoot characteristics related to plant architecture (plant height, stem diameter, and shoot dry weight) also were examined for

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cultivars can be a cost-effective and sustainable strategy for disease management, no breeding programs are currently developing powdery mildew-resistant magnolia cultivars. Fare (2017 ) screened yellow-flowering magnolia cultivars in Tennessee and found

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