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. In the survey, we asked administrators and managers to select from a list of options the top three challenges of both natural turfgrass fields and synthetic turf fields. These options included budget constraints, lack of administration support

Open Access

An interdisciplinary approach had been developed to examine the production, economic, and marketing feasibility of new crops. The methodology requires the determination of yield potential and product quality, construction of production budgets, and completion of marketing window analyses. Potential for integration of new crops into the existing farm enterprise is assessed using linear programing techniques that consider labor and equipment constraints, crop rotations and best management practices. Risk analyses consider yield, production costs, and price of both new and traditional crops. By using this method, broccoli has been identified as a potential new crop for eastern Virginia, with labor requirements and slush ice availability being the major constraints to integration into vegetable production in this area.

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The Univ. of Connecticut has designed a website that will help facilitate the learning of landscape plant material. The main objective of this site is to help students taking plant identification courses in New England's land-grant universities and one private college. Virtual Campus Plant Walks have been developed to address budget constraints, student demands for technology integration in the classroom and to make use of the pedagogical benefits of the internet medium. The Virtual Campus Plant Walks are on-line walks that have detailed pictures and information given during actual plant walks done in each plant identification laboratory. Students are able to retake the walks at their own pace, reevaluate a plant they are having trouble remembering, or take the walk over the internet for the first time if they were unable to attend lab. Students will now be able to study plant material whenever they want, regardless of the time of day or weather. The educational validity of the walks has been tested for three semesters and the results are favorable. Surveys reveal that 80% believe the website improved their grades and 76% claimed the website decreased their study time. This evidence will promote the continued and expanded use of the website.

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user data, we erase all zip codes from the server after the user has received a final financial report. We never solicit names and addresses. Finance concepts The program’s algorithms use the partial budget approach ( Kay and Edwards, 1994

Open Access

The way extension specialists and educators conduct programs, such as workshops, and transfer information to their designated clientele, including homeowners, professionals, and specialty groups, has changed within the last decade due to merging departments, budget cuts, reduced operating funds, and lack of refilling vacant positions. These factors have resulted in a number of driving forces that influence the way extension specialists and educators perform their duties, such as accountability, regionalization of extension, impact of technology, and expanding expertise. To be accountable under today's standards, extension specialists and educators must document the impact, relevance, and effectiveness of their programs. Required documentation must include economic, environmental, and human development factors. The effect of downsizing in many states has led to regionalization, which involves sharing extension specialists and educators across state boundaries. Although there are concerns, such as funding issues and evaluation of extension specialists and educators among states, regionalization in general has resulted in collaborative efforts to organize workshops and produce regional publications that serve a wider clientele base. Extension specialists and educators need to use computer-based and electronic technology, such as teleconferencing and distance-education, to present effective programs and address a wider audience, which will reduce the amount of required travel time. Finally, extension specialists and educators need to keep abreast of issues, such as invasive species, and develop programs to increase awareness of the economic and ecological impacts of invasive species in order to effectively serve the clientele base. Extension specialists and educators will more effectively serve their clientele, justify the importance of extension programming, demonstrate extension as a valued resource to administrators, and deal with the challenges of financial constraint existing now and in the foreseeable future by documenting impact, using multi-state programming, adopting new technology, and keeping up with current issues.

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fertilizer. The major constraints of using natural sources of fertilizers are the bulky nature and the heavy application rates needed to meet the nutrient requirements of the cash crop. The average nitrogen (N) content of chicken manure is 26–72 lb/ton of

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demonstrations, for both the extension system (delivery) and the intended audience. Nationally, budgets for the Cooperative Extension Service have decreased (1980–2010), leading to a concomitant reduction in extension faculty and field staff as well as reduced

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developed strawberry enterprise production budgets to compare production costs and revenues for each system to assess their economic viability. Finally, we used a set of environmental indicators to compare the environmental and human health impacts of each

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associated with extension programming The way extension specialists and educators conduct programs has changed as factors such as merging departments, reduced operating funds, and budget cuts have influenced how extension specialists and educators perform

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Worldwide, women play a key role in agriculture as growers, workers, and entrepreneurs, but almost everywhere, they face more severe constraints than men in accessing productive resources, markets, and services. One reason agriculture is

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