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Recipients, 1986–2022. Table 2. State or country and university or institution of residence for ASHS Vegetable Publication Award recipients, 1986–2022. Authors from 25 states have received the Vegetable Publication Award, with Florida

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than 200 citations underscoring its substantial influence ( Fig. 1 ). Collectively, the recipients for this award comprised 121 authors, contributing to 37 articles from four countries (based on the nationality of the corresponding authors). Among

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statistical analysis. T.L. Maguire is the recipient of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked

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Faculty Fellow (2007); Fellow of ASHS (2003); Fellow of the International Plant Propagators’ Society (2006); received the Distinguished Achievement Award for Nursery Crops from the ASHS (1989) – second recipient to receive award; L.M. Ware Distinguished

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being the recipient of nine teaching awards, including the prestigious D.W. Brooks and L.M. Ware awards and being named a Fulbright Scholar and a NATO Fellow. Additionally, he served as faculty advisor to hundreds of undergraduates. He was advisor to the

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Committee, which is responsible for selecting recipients of this award for distinction in fruit breeding. George married Esther Glass during a 10-day leave from army duties in 1943, and the couple were reunited following George’s discharge in 1945. During 68

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person inducted into its horticultural Hall of Fame. Widely recognized for his teaching and research, he was the recipient of the World Seed Prize, Honorary Doctor of Science from University of Nebraska, Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

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President (1998–2001) and was a member of its Science Task Force. He received its Australian Award for “leadership in the field of parks and recreation” in 1995 and just days before his unexpected death was the recipient of its Silver Medal. In addition

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of Adam and Eve; ( B ) cover of the Advances in Fruit Breeding textbook; ( C ) cover of the Methods in Fruit Breeding textbook; ( D ) Outstanding Cultivar Award medallion for ‘GoldRush’ apple. Recipients and Impact The list of cultivar recipients

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between the 1973 meeting and this meeting. There is actually a lot that is the same. We are not meeting “virtually” yet. We still have a conference that everyone flies or drives to; we still have oral sessions, awards, business meeting, and a presidential

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