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  • Vaccinium cylindraceum x
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Blueberries (family Ericaceae, genus Vaccinium , commonly section Cyanococcus ) are a diverse taxonomic group, and blueberries currently in commercial production represent three major Vaccinium species and two ploidy levels: 4 x V

Open Access

trait under some conditions, but might also present management problems in terms of physiology and/or allowing the plants to be an insect or pathogen reservoir under field conditions. Vaccinium cylindraceum is found natively on Faial, Pico, São Miguel

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75 78 Osorio-Rosales, M.L. Mata-Rosas, M. 2005 Micropropagation of endemic and endangered Mexican species of ponytail palms HortScience 40 1481 1484 Pereira, M.J. 2006 Conservation of Vaccinium cylindraceum Smith (Ericaceae) by micropropagation

Free access

Vaccinium cylindraceum Smith (Ericaceae) ( Pereira, 2006 ), Maclura tinctoria ( Gomes et al., 2003 ), Vanda coerulea ( Malabadi et al., 2004 ), and Daphne cneorum ( Mala and Bylinsky, 2004 ) were successfully achieved. In vitro plant regeneration of

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