Blueberries (family Ericaceae, genus Vaccinium , commonly section Cyanococcus ) are a diverse taxonomic group, and blueberries currently in commercial production represent three major Vaccinium species and two ploidy levels: 4 x V
trait under some conditions, but might also present management problems in terms of physiology and/or allowing the plants to be an insect or pathogen reservoir under field conditions. Vaccinium cylindraceum is found natively on Faial, Pico, São Miguel
75 78 Osorio-Rosales, M.L. Mata-Rosas, M. 2005 Micropropagation of endemic and endangered Mexican species of ponytail palms HortScience 40 1481 1484 Pereira, M.J. 2006 Conservation of Vaccinium cylindraceum Smith (Ericaceae) by micropropagation
Vaccinium cylindraceum Smith (Ericaceae) ( Pereira, 2006 ), Maclura tinctoria ( Gomes et al., 2003 ), Vanda coerulea ( Malabadi et al., 2004 ), and Daphne cneorum ( Mala and Bylinsky, 2004 ) were successfully achieved. In vitro plant regeneration of