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), V. arctostaphylos (Caucasus Region), V. smallii (Korea, Japan, Russia), V. yakushimense (Yakushima Island, Kyushu, Japan), and V. hirtum (Japan, South Korea). The morphological feature that unifies Hemimyrtillus is a set of paired prophylls

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localities. The species and their ranges are V. cylindraceum (Açores, Portugal), V. padifolium (Madeira Islands, Portugal), V. arctostaphylos (Caucasus Region), V. smallii (Korea, Japan, Russia), V. yakushimense (Yakushima Island, Kyushu, Japan

Open Access

. 2012 . Using native plants in traditional design contexts: Smilax smallii provides an example . Native Plants J . 13 ( 1 ): 27 – 34 . 368/npj.13.1.27 . Duan N , Manning WG , Morris CN , Newhouse JP . 2012 . A

Open Access

related genera in Oleaceae. Taylor (1945) reported tetraploids in Mendora , tetraploids and triploids in Jasminum , tetraploids and hexaploids in Fraxinus , and hexaploids in Osmanthus . In white ash ( Fraxinus ), the tetraploid F. smallii and

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× 15 height) in Jan. 2010. The substrate was a mixture of white peat, coconut fiber, and perlite (40/40/20, v/v/v) and was amended with 3 g·L −1 of a slow-release fertilizer (Osmocote plus 14-14-14; 14N–6.1P–11.6K; release time 2–3 months at 21 °C; The

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and Ingram, 1991a ). That volume of irrigation was almost three times the water holding capacity of the 4-pine bark:1-sand (v/v) substrate. Lower volumes of irrigation cooled the surface of the container but actually increased the temperature in the

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