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Efficient N fertilizer management is crucial for ensuring maximum economic production and improving N recovery efficiency ( Guan et al., 2011 ; Zhang et al., 2013 ). To increase root yield of the radish, excessive N fertilizers are applied in the

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and space. However, the author concluded that in most cases the two recovery factors can be considered nearly equivalent; therefore, the uptake efficiency of fertilizer-N [i.e., the apparent N recovery (REC)] can be estimated on the basis of the N

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the environment or nutrient use efficiency ( Beegle et al., 2000 ). The intensification of agricultural production and increased pressure from society on growers to protect consumers and the environment has increased the need for optimizing N use

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to improving fertilizer N efficiency in tomato production systems, the agronomic apparent recovery of N fertilizer (APR) will be studied. The agronomic calculation of APR is defined as the difference in N accumulation (pounds per acre) between plots

Open Access

), TN, NO 3 -N, and NH 4 -N. Soil C:N ratios were calculated from TC and TN. Efficiency evaluation. NUE is defined as N uptake by the plant divided by the total amount of N fertilizer applied. Apparent N recovery (N) is defined as the difference in

Open Access

broadcast applications of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. However, the high water-solubility of this material in combination with Florida's sandy soils and humid conditions can cause poor nutrient use efficiency and leaching of nitrate N (NO 3 -N) below the

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-derived N and fertilizer-N on turfgrass growth and health, (2) to measure nutrient use efficiency of turfgrass with various N treatments, and (3) to evaluate the potential N leaching loss to the environment associated with various N treatments. Materials and

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conditions to avoid error due to site specificity. Nitrogen recovery and irrigation water use efficiencies. For all treatments during every production season, REC-N and iWUE were calculated as described: R E C − N = N L + N S + N F + N R T N A + N I + N M [1

Open Access

( Poa pratensis L.) had a 35% N uptake efficiency when 39 kg·ha −1 N as urea was applied on 23 Nov. after shoot growth ceased for the year. At the same research location, Frank et al. (2006) determined only 18% of 25 kg·ha −1 N applied as urea was

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matter accumulation was calculated as the sum of the roots, stems, leaves, and fruits DWs. Total Kjeldahl N was determined in each sample following the Kjeldahl method, with the addition of salicylic acid for the recovery of nitrate-N ( Simonne et al

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