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  • variance decomposition x
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separately. A four-way analysis of variance was conducted to test the influence of types of biocontainers, plant species, locations, and trial seasons on shoot dry weights and percentage of biocontainer decomposition. To test the effect of location on

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on the root ball and planted into the field, landscape bed, or final container. They are designed to allow roots to grow through the container walls and to decompose after being planted into the field or final container. Compostable biocontainers are

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0 , respectively). Data were subjected to analysis of variance. Carbon loss. Decomposition rate as the percentage of cumulative C loss was determined via incubation ( Anderson, 1982 ) on DFB samples collected in Feb. and June 2006. The procedure

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is a concern that the more durable biofabrics may also be slow to decompose or biodegrade in the soil after the growing season ( Cowan et al., 2013 ). Decomposition of biodegradable mulch after the growing season is an important issue for growers

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Soilless substrates are dynamic due to their predominantly organic nature, changing both physically and chemically over time. Substrate decomposition, settling, or a combination of the two can cause shrinkage in substrates. This shrinkage or

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Lakes region and much of the Atlantic Coast. Our results indicate that the 2-week wait can be reduced under certain conditions and that 1 week may in fact be optimal. Incorporated residue of succulent vegetables in the warm growing season can decompose

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pusley ( Richardia grandiflora )] or grasses [primarily torpedograss ( Panicum repens )]. All data were analyzed using analysis of variance with mean separations by the Waller-Duncan k-ratio method (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.). Results and discussion The

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prevent weeds in alleys. Data collection methods. Data regarding canopy size, yield, leaf area index, plant height, and plant dry weight (shoot only) were collected. Canopy size was calculated using a variance of the method of Bumgarner at al. (2012

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plots. The amount of nutrients recycled by cover crops and released during the decomposition process is important information that could be used to coordinate the nutrients available and nutrient uptake of cash crops ( Rosecrance et al., 2000 ). This

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analysis. A one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA ( P ≤ 0.05)] was performed using the mixed model procedure in SAS statistical software (version 9.1) to determine the effect of cultivar on thatch-mat depth and OM content. When cultivation treatment main

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