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  • nutrient deficiency x
  • Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science x
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land in the world ( Ruan et al., 2010 ). The response of plants to salinity is complex and involves changes in morphology, physiology, and metabolism. Salinity effects on plants include cellular water deficit, ion toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, and

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Symptoms for 7 nutrient deficiencies were established for elatior begonia ‘Schwabenland Red’ (Begonia X hiemalis Fotsch.). These are summarized in the form of a key as follows:

a. Chlorosis is a dominant symptom.

b. Chlorosis interveinal.

c. Interveinal chlorosis on older leaves followed by light tan necrotic spots within chlorotic areas which expand until leaf dies........................................................................................................................Mg

cc. Interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves.....................................................................................................Fe

bb. Chlorosis not interveinal.

c. Lower leaves uniformly yellow then purplish yellow and finally necrotic.................i.....................N

cc. Margins of canopy leaves yellow, then murky green-brown, and finally necrotic; all symptoms spread toward the leaf center......................................................................................................................Ca

aa. Chlorosis not a dominant symptom.

b. Necrosis begins along the margin of lower leaves and progresses inward....................................................K

bb. Plants stunted but normal green..........................................................................................................................P

bbb. Rust color, striations and cracks develop on young leaf petioles and peduncles perpendicular to their axes; internodes shortened and lateral shoots prolific; young leaves brittle crinkled around rust color spots which turn necrotic; chlorosis and necrosis spreading inward from the margin of young leaves...B

Open Access


Nutrient imbalances were investigated to a) document nutrient deficiency and micronutrient toxicity symptoms in florists’ hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Thunb.) and b) examine the possible relationship of single-element deficiencies and toxicities with a foliar malformation prevelant on hydrangeas grown at >30°C. Plants subjected to N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe, and Zn deficiency and B and Mn toxicity treatments produced visual symptoms of the corresponding nutrient imbalance. Visual symptoms did not develop in +Fe, +Cu, +Zn, +Mo, −Mn, −Cu, and −Mo treatments. None of the symptoms induced were similar to the foliar malformations observed on hydrangeas grown at >30°. Hydrangea leaf malformation does not appear to be correlated with any single nutrient imbalance within hydrangea leaves. Results of the nutrient deficiency and toxicity experiments offer a diagnostic tool for interpretation of nutrient analysis of hydrangea.

Open Access


In the article “Evaluation of Nutrient Deficiency and Micronutrient Toxicity Symptoms in Florists’ Hydrangea”, by Douglas A. Bailey and P. Allen Hammer (J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113(3):363–367, May 1988), the following corrections should be noted: 1) In Table 3, percent dry weight of N for the –N treatment should read “1.40”, not “4.40”; 2) the significance levels in footnote z of Table 3 should read “0.05 ≥ α ≥ 0.01 (*), at 0.01 ≥ α > 0.001 (**), or at α ≤ 0.001 (***)”; 3) Tables 4 and 5 are numbered incorrectly—they should be switched; and 4) the significance levels in footnote z of the renumbered Table 5 should read “0.01 ≥ α > 0.001 (**) or at α ≤ 0.001 (***)”.

Open Access


Visual symptoms of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and B deficiencies were induced in Caladium × hortulanum Birdsey ‘Candidum’. Characteristic symptoms were photographed and described and a key summarizing these symptoms follows:

a. Chlorosis or necrosis not expressed;

b. Petioles brittle and/or leaves orbicular.........................................................................................................................B

bb. Plants grow slowly, but have no other symptoms......................................................................................................P

bbb. Rust colored spots on underside of leaf near petiole, spots may become “windows” (only the cuticle and epidermal layer remain)................................................................................................................................................. Ca

aa. Chlorosis and/or necrosis expressed;

b. Chlorosis primary symptom.

c. Interveinal and veinal chlorosis

d. Chlorosis evident as leaves unfurl............................................................................................................... Mn

dd. Chlorosis not evident as leaves unfurl, older leaf blades and veins may turn bright yellow as they abscise................................................................................................................................................................... N

cc. Interveinal chlorosis...................................................................................................................................................Fe

bb. Both chlorosis and necrosis expressed.

c. Interveinal chlorosis developing into necrotic spots, leaves turn bright yellow (except basal veins remain green) as they abscise............................................................................................................................................. Mg

cc. Necrotic specks (@ 1 mm) near veins, general chlorosis............................................................................... Mn

bbb. Necrosis primary symptom.

c. Necrotic lesions (2–5 cm) on leaf apex and distal m argin.................................................................................K

cc. Marginal necrosis.

d. Necrosis spreads toward the center of the leaf, margins dry but the leaf blade around petiole remains intact.......................................................................................................................................................................K

dd. Interveinal rust colored, blotchy areas.........................................................................................................Ca

Open Access

Nitrogen is a major nutrient element that is required in large quantity by plants including turfgrasses to maintain active cell growth. However, reducing N fertility is often recommended in turfgrass management to prevent excessive shoot growth or

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content than the upper leaves. Fig. 2. Effects of nitrogen (N) deficiency on amino acid content of the upper leaves ( A ), the lower leaves ( B ), and roots ( C ) of creeping bentgrass. Plants were treated with a nutrient solution containing zero N (–N) or

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content was measured weekly on the first and second fully open leaf on each plant using a SPAD meter (Spectrum Technologies, Aurora, IL). Nutrient deficiency treatment. Petunia seeds were germinated in a soilless mix as described previously. Four

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degradation and suppressed protein synthesis under P-limiting conditions ( Ganie et al., 2015 ). Moreover, it was evidenced that organic acids acted as crucial roles in the plant adaptation to nutrient deficiency ( Wang and Shen, 2006 ), which explains the

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In this paper we analyze the sources of variation in revenue per unit of trunk cross-sectional area (TCA) across a 0.87-ha block of 272 pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees in 2003. Revenue capacity efficiency associated with TCA provides an overall measure of nutrient deficiency and revenue inefficiency caused by environmental constraints in the fruit production process. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is adopted to estimate revenue capacity efficiency and its components. The deficiencies of macro- and micronutrients are measured and optimal nutrient levels computed for each individual tree. These measures are aggregated for comparing between grids and between rootstocks.

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