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Elemental deficiencies of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, or B were induced in plants of Allamanda nerifolia. Rooted stem cuttings were planted in 4.87-L plastic containers and fertilized with a complete modified Hoagland's solution or this solution minus the element that was to be investigated. Plants were harvested to measure dry weights when initial foliar symptoms were expressed and later under advanced deficiency symptoms. Deficiency symptoms for all treatments were observed within 6 weeks. The most dramatic expression of foliar symptoms occurred with N (yellow-green young leaves with necrotic tips), K (downward bending medium-green mature leaves with splotchy chlorosis), S (greenish-yellow young and youngest leaves), and Zn (young leaves with interveinal chlorosis from base to tip). At the initial stage, all nutrient-deficient plants had similar dry weights, when compared to the control. Dry weights of plants treated with solutions not containing N or P were significantly lower when compared to the control under an advanced deficiency. To help prevent the development of deficiencies, minimal critical tissue levels have to be determined for adaptation by the greenhouse industry for nutritional monitoring.

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fertilizers. N is the most important nutrient for plant growth and fruit bud formation ( Li and Lascano 2011 ), and its deficiency can severely decrease crop yield and quality ( Tsialtas and Maslaris 2005 ). During the rapid growth period, N-deficient plants

Open Access

Elemental deficiencies of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, or B were induced in plants of Pentas lanceolata `Butterfly Red'. Rooted stem cuttings were planted in 4.87-L plastic containers and fertilized with a complete modified Hoagland's solution or this solution minus the element that was to be investigated. Plants were harvested to measure dry weights when initial foliar symptoms were expressed and later under advanced deficiency symptoms. Deficiency symptoms for all treatments were observed within 7 weeks. The most dramatic expression of foliar symptoms occurred with N (medium green young leaves with interveinal chlorosis on base and tip), S (spindle-like young and recently mature leaves), Cu (purple-brown roots and young leaves with downward pointed leaf tips), and B (multiple youngest leaves arising from shoot tip). At the initial stage, all nutrient-deficient plants had similar dry weights, when compared to the control. Dry weights of plants treated with solutions not containing P were significantly lower when compared to the control under an advanced deficiency. In order to help prevent the development of deficiencies, minimal critical tissue levels have to be determined for adaptation by the greenhouse industry for nutritional monitoring.

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Pecan [Carya illinoensis (Wang) K. Koch] seed were germinated in perlite and treated with either a complete nutrient solution or a nutrient solution minus B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, N, P, S, or Zn. Omitting any single nutrient suppressed seedling growth and induced deficiency symptoms for all nutrients except Fe, Mn, and Cu. Corresponding leaf concentration data associated with deficiency symptoms and normal growth agreed closely with proposed standards.

Open Access

Celery (Apium graveolens var. Dulce) is a species particularly sensitive to nutritional balance. Seedlings in multicellular trays sometimes present problems that can be traced to nutritional causes. DRIS (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System) and CND (Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis) are two recent concepts that can be implemented to diagnose nutritional imbalances from tissue analyses of any plant species. A data bank of 215 observations was used to elaborate DRIS and CND norms for celery transplants. The threshold yield for high yielders was set at 1600 g/plant (27% of the population). Both DRIS and CND systems were implemented and a validation process was undertaken. Nutrient deficiencies (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, B and Zn) were induced on celery seedlings in growing chambers. Tissues samples were given a balanced fertilization. The diagnosing methods (DRIS and CND) were compared on the basis of their ability to identify correctly the induced nutrient deficiencies.

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Geranium (Pelargonium ×hortorum) is considered to be one of the top-selling floriculture plants, and is highly responsive to increased macro- and micronutrient bioavailability. In spite of its economic importance, there are few nutrient disorder symptoms reported for this species. The lack of nutritional information contributes to suboptimal geranium production quality. Understanding the bioenergetic construction costs during nutrient deficiency can provide insight into the significance of that element predisposing plants to other stress. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the impact of nutrient deficiency on plant growth. Pelargonium plants were grown hydroponically in a glass greenhouse. The treatment consisted of a complete modified Hoagland's millimolar concentrations of macronutrients (15 NO3-N, 1.0 PO4-P, 6.0 K, 5.0 Ca, 2.0 Mg, and 2.0 SO4-S) and micromolar concentrations of micronutrients (72 Fe, 9.0 Mn, 1.5 Cu, 1.5 Zn, 45.0 B, and 0.1 Mo) and 10 additional solutions each devoid of one essential nutrient (N, P, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, or B). The plants were photographed and divided into young, maturing, and old leaves, the respective petioles, young and old stems, flowers, buds, and roots at “hidden hunger,” incipient, mid- and advanced-stages of nutrient stress. Unique visual deficiency symptoms of interveinal red pigmentation were noted on the matured leaves of P- and Mg-deficient plants, while N-deficient plants developed chlorotic leaf margins. Tissue N concentration greatly influenced bioenergetic construction costs, probably due to differences in protein content. This information will provide an additional tool in producing premium geraniums for the greenhouse industry.

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Iron-deficiency symptoms are observed on some genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown on high-pH and calcareous soils. seven potato cultivars differing in response to iron deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) were grown on high-pH (8.1), calcareous (38% calcium carbonate equivalent in surface 20 cm) and silty clay soil in the field (Beka'a Valley, Lebanon), to determine the effects of FeDC on tuber yield of cultivars sprayed with Fe. A significant interactions between cultivars and Fe spray treatment were noted for visual FeDC ratings and tuber yield. Even though only slight FeDC was noted on some cultivars receiving no Fe spray, tuber yields were significantly increased when sprayed with Fe. Some cultivars with moderate FeDC ratings did not show a significant increase in yield when sprayed with Fe while other cultivars did. Sprayed cultivars generally produced higher tube; yields than unsprayed ones. Indicating that Fe-deficiency chlorosis in the Mediterranean region may be a serious limitation to potato tuber yield.

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improve fruit visual, nutritional, and flavor quality. The identification of nutrient deficiency symptoms is relatively complex, due to the various biological functions and interactions that occur between nutrients and the environment, and even similar

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certain level of nutrient deficiency. Characterization of plant development and nutrient deficiency symptoms could aid in diagnosing nutrient disorders and distinguishing nutrient imbalances from other disorders caused by pathogens, chemical damage, or

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develop moderate to severe K, Mg or both deficiency symptoms on south Florida’s sandy, nutrient-poor soils. These deficiencies are not only unsightly, but also cause premature senescence of the older leaves, leading to complete defoliation by April. Thus

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