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  • budget constraint x
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. In the survey, we asked administrators and managers to select from a list of options the top three challenges of both natural turfgrass fields and synthetic turf fields. These options included budget constraints, lack of administration support

Open Access

An interdisciplinary approach had been developed to examine the production, economic, and marketing feasibility of new crops. The methodology requires the determination of yield potential and product quality, construction of production budgets, and completion of marketing window analyses. Potential for integration of new crops into the existing farm enterprise is assessed using linear programing techniques that consider labor and equipment constraints, crop rotations and best management practices. Risk analyses consider yield, production costs, and price of both new and traditional crops. By using this method, broccoli has been identified as a potential new crop for eastern Virginia, with labor requirements and slush ice availability being the major constraints to integration into vegetable production in this area.

Free access

The Univ. of Connecticut has designed a website that will help facilitate the learning of landscape plant material. The main objective of this site is to help students taking plant identification courses in New England's land-grant universities and one private college. Virtual Campus Plant Walks have been developed to address budget constraints, student demands for technology integration in the classroom and to make use of the pedagogical benefits of the internet medium. The Virtual Campus Plant Walks are on-line walks that have detailed pictures and information given during actual plant walks done in each plant identification laboratory. Students are able to retake the walks at their own pace, reevaluate a plant they are having trouble remembering, or take the walk over the internet for the first time if they were unable to attend lab. Students will now be able to study plant material whenever they want, regardless of the time of day or weather. The educational validity of the walks has been tested for three semesters and the results are favorable. Surveys reveal that 80% believe the website improved their grades and 76% claimed the website decreased their study time. This evidence will promote the continued and expanded use of the website.

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the association of markers with reliable good shape because of the sampling procedure. Although there are multiple locations and seasons, the small numbers of fruit sampled (which cannot be helped as a result of budget and time constraints) may not be

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the potential environmental impact of N fertilization, an N budget or mass balance (inputs versus outputs) approach is needed ( Follett, 2001 ; Vos, 1996 ). This approach may lead to options for improving N management in crop production systems ( Vos

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with respect to the market, from the constraints it has to deal with while going about its business ( Lanfranchi et al., 2014 ; Lanfranchi and Giannetto, 2014 ). These constraints are ascribable to the very structure of the undertaking as well as to

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possible from each trial. Growers are also concerned with the reliability of the performance of alternative treatments, which is not captured as part of a standard partial budget analysis. The structure of the first set of trials we evaluated allowed us to

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practicality of leaching is dependent on the type of salts, soil texture, water source, and the budget of management because leaching requires good-quality water, sufficient drainage, and repeated operations ( Carrow and Duncan, 1998 ). Fertilization can also

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Stations (SAES) series extracted from CRIS data tapes and the U.S. Department of Agricultural's (USDA's) Inventory of Agricultural Research publications. USDA Intramural series developed from unpublished USDA budget reports. Note: Nominal research

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for each treatment was estimated using partial budget analysis. Gross returns were calculated as the weight of defect-free carrots times the price for defect free carrots plus the weight of cull carrots times the price for cull carrots. Net returns

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