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fruit from 142 individuals was harvested and seeds from each fruit were cleaned and collected by hand. Seed was scored as egusi or normal based on visual inspection and allowed to dry before determining SOP as described previously. Because SOP is a

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maximum average floral longevities were 3.3 ± 0.4 and 15.8 ± 2.5 d, respectively. The Shapiro-Wilk test indicated a non-normal distribution of floral longevity data ( P = 0.002). However, visual inspection of the Q-Q plot (reported in Howard, 2011 ) did

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), and callus (C) formation in vitro from a transversely sectioned Lilium michiganense seedling bulb explant (E) after 4 months culture on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2 μ m K-NAA. Visual inspection of the cultures indicated

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could not be made with the online and web-facilitated modes explored in Expt. 1. However, a visual inspection of the data reveals the mean minutes invested by the faculty member for all activities included in the course was ≈100 min/d, with about half of

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or excessive irrigation. The primary strategy is to maintain the root ball, backfill, and surrounding site soil evenly moist ( Broschat and Meerow, 2000 ; Pittenger et al., 2005 ). Manual and visual inspection is necessary to determine soil moisture

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disease response began ≈20 months after inoculations by visual inspection of plants for presence or absence of cankers. Genotypes were considered susceptible to infection by an isolate if at least one replication developed EFB cankers. Plants that

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its resistance in previous work has been shown to be similar to Guardian ® ( Beckman et al., 2008 ). On closer inspection, it was discovered that a number of trees on ‘Sharpe’ had been set with the graft union slightly below the soil line, resulting

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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in Colorado. The Fusarium race 1 and race 2 strains were cultured on potato dextrose agar and left to grow at 23 °C for 3 to 4 d. After fungal growth, 10 mL of sterile water was added to the starter culture

Open Access

season was already advanced, samples were only taken on one date. There was no indication based on visual inspection of differences between harvest systems; thus, these plots were randomized across the two RCB studies without regard to harvest system. To

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were used to monitor pecan nut casebearer ( Acrobasis nuxvorella ) and pecan weevil ( Curculio caryae ). Visual inspection was used to determine when control for aphids [blackmargined pecan aphid ( Monellia caryella ) and yellow pecan aphid

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