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  • variance decomposition x
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of nutrients that pass through the microbial biomass ( Kennedy, 1995 ). Soil microorganisms drive most soil processes, such as nutrient cycling, availability, and retention; decomposition of organic materials; and soil organic matter accumulation

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variance was used to detect significant treatment effects ( P ≤ 0.05) and means were separated by a protected Fischer's least significant difference test ( P < 0.05). Soil inorganic N, ANM, and MBN data were log-transformed to normalize the distributions

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). Combing sand with organic components decreases the infiltration (the downward entry of water through the substrate surface and into the substrate) rate of irrigation water as it moves through the substrate profile, particularly in fresh or less decomposed

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soil organic matter such as a low carbon (C):nitrogen (N) ratio, high cation exchange capacity, and high stability (i.e., resistance to further decomposition), and most are rich in nutrients that gradually mineralize in the soil for years after

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the percent absorbance and results are expressed as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per gram of fresh weight. Statistical analysis. An analysis of variance was conducted for leaf tissue macronutrient analysis, weed, and berry quality parameters

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microorganisms play an important role in soil quality and nutrient cycling by decomposing soil organic matter and storing nutrients ( Turco et al., 1994 ). Soil disturbance through tillage can alter the soil environment and the associated microbial community

Open Access

analysis of variance (ANOVA) within SAS procedure GLIMMIX using mixed model methodology (SAS ® Institute Version 9.2, Cary, NC). Treatment was considered a fixed effect in the model. Year, replication (nested within year), and iterations containing these

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use of allelopathic cultivars of cash crops ( Wu et al., 1999 ) and by preceding cash crops with cover crops that exude allelochemicals or produce residues that decompose to release allelochemicals that are phytotoxic to weeds ( Batish et al., 2006

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. Statistical analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each variable was conducted separately each year because of the inhomogeneous errors across years using the ANOVA procedure in the SAS package ( SAS Institute, 2002 ). Analysis of variance was performed

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separating the coconut husk from the shell and processing the husk into fibers. Coconut peat, also known as coco pith or coco dust, is a byproduct of extracting fibers from the husk of coconuts, heat-treated, and partially decomposed with similar cation

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