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  • spider flower x
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have been shown to directly affect populations of arthropod pests including spider mites ( Biggs and Hagley, 1988 ; Bower et al., 1995 ). However, no efficacy data are available for other arthropod pests including the citrus mealybug, Planococcus

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producing high-value horticultural crops such as tomatoes, lettuce, small fruits, cut flowers, and herbs ( Bumgarner et al., 2012 ; Carey et al., 2009 ; Lamont, 2009 ; Orzolek et al., 2004 ; Rogers and Wszelaki, 2012 ). Various studies on HT strawberry

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central Poland, the shrubs were unaffected by winter frosts, even when the air temperature dropped to –30 °C, and the flowers were rarely damaged by spring frosts. Table 1. Ripening time, yielding, fruit size, and effectiveness of mechanical harvest of

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inflorescence at the same level as the foliage, resulting in many exposed flowers. Fruit are well displayed beyond the leaf canopy. This exposure makes the fruit easy to harvest, but also increases the fruit’s exposure to raindrop impact. ‘Red Rhapsody’ produces

Open Access

Lycoris Herb., also called ‘Magic lily’, ‘Surprise lily’, or ‘Spider lily’ ( Adams, 1976 ), is a genus of Amaryllidaceae that is native to East Asia. In many local Chinese dialects, Lycoris species have commonly been called “stone garlic

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Leaves normally represent the assimilating area of a plant and determine its photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation. Papaya ( Carica papaya L.), a C 3 plant ( Marler et al., 1994 ), develops new leaves, flowers, and fruit continually, with 2

Open Access

integrated orchards. Flowers, rather than vegetation alone, may be required, as Wyss (1995) found that when the weeds were flowering, larger numbers of aphidophagous predators, including spiders, Heteroptera, Coccinellidae, and Chrysopidae, were found on

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commonly produced and sold, the primary contemporary markets comprise a plethora of dietary supplements made from both fruit and flowers and consumed for their proven health benefits ( Thomas et al. 2020 ), particularly brain health ( Chuang et al. 2014

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width (the widest part of the plant) was recorded as the average of two measurements, the second being made at a right angle to the first. Flower height was measured from the substrate surface to the tallest plant flower, and three fully open flowers

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cultivars of strawberry only flower and bear fruit during specific times of the year as a result of corresponding daylength. This phenomenon is referred to as the photoperiod response. However, certain strawberry cultivars produce flowers and fruit

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