Balled in burlaped is a common method for moving large trees into landscapes and affects of transplanting on tree gas exchange and growth has been documented. Organic mulch provides many benefits and is often recommended for landscapes. Because little research has been conducted on affects organic mulch has on gas exchange and growth of transplanted and non-transplanted trees, this research investigated the effects transplanting and organic mulch have on gas exchange and growth of field grown red oak (Quercus shumardii) trees. In March 2003, 12 multi-trunked trees were selected from a tree farm near Lubbock, Texas, and six trees were dug using a tree spade and placed in their original location. Mulch at a depth of 10 cm was placed around the rootball of 3 transplanted and 3 nontransplanted trees and maintained at this depth the remainder of the experiment. Over the next three growing seasons predawn leaf water potential and midday stomatal conductance were measured on each tree every 1 to 3 weeks. At the end of every growing season shoot elongation, stem caliper and subsample leaf area were recorded. Our data indicates transplanting has a negative affect on gas exchange and growth of red oak. Each growing season gas exchange, shoot growth, and subsample leaf area were less for transplanted trees when compared to nontransplanted trees. Mulch also influenced gas exchange and growth of these trees. For nontransplanted trees with mulch, gas exchange and growth were reduced when compared to nonmulched, nontransplanted trees. For transplanted trees with mulch, predawn leaf water potential was less negative and subsample leaf area was greater when compared to transplanted trees with out mulch.
Roots of 53-day-old pecan seedlings [Carya illinoensis (Wangenh.) C. Koch] were either not flooded or flooded by submerging pots to ≈2 cm above the soil line in containers of water. Leaf gas exchange measurements at 1000 µmol·s–1·m–2 photosynthetic photon flux, 340 µl·liter–1 CO2, and 27°C were made prior to flooding, after 1, 8, or 15 days of flooding, and 7, 14, or 21 days after flooding was terminated. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A) decreased 56% after 1 day of flooding. Flooding 9 or 15 days did not further depress A. Carbon assimilation of trees that had been flooded for 8 days and then returned to nonflooded soil for 7 days were similar to unflooded trees. In contrast, A of seedlings flooded 15 days did not regain the A of unflooded trees 14 days after flooding terminated. Transpiration rates (E) paralleled A in all treatments. Leaf conductance to CO2 (g L ) was positively correlated with A (R2 = 0.94). However, leaf internal CO2 (Ci) concentration was not decreased by reduced gL. Water potential (ψ l ) and turgor potential (ψP) of leaves were higher when trees were flooded, but osmotic potential (ψs) was unaffected.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tillage method effects of N sources on gas exchange (GE) at the flowering, fruiting, and pre-senescence in tomato. Measurements of transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthesis (Pn), and internal leaf CO2 concentration (Ci) were reported. The following fall/spring tillage and fertility treatments were applied: 1) fall-fallow/spring-moldboard, 2) fall-fallow/spring-moldboard + 90 kg·ha–1 N, 3) fall-moldboard + hairy vetch/spring-chisel, 4) fall-moldboard + hairy vetch/springchisel + 90 kg·ha–1 N, 5) fall-minimum till+hairy vetch/spring-chisel, and 6) fall-minimum till + hairy vetch/spring-chisel + 90 kg·ha–1 N. During the 2nd week of Apr. 1995, `Mountain Pride' tomato was transplanted in all plots. Maximum E (11.9 mmol·m–2·s–1), gs (1465.1 mmol·m–2·s–1), and Pn (22.23 μmolCO2/m2 per s) occurred at the fruiting and highest Ci (301.2 μL·L–1) at the flowering. Throughout the growing seaon, treatments 5 and 3 affected GE rates the most, while treatments 1 and 3 at flowering affected Ci the most. Results indicate that fall moldboard or minimum-till + hairy vetch/spring chisel had greatest influence on GE of tomato.
The purpose of this 3-year study was to compare organic and inorganic N sources for promoting gas exchange (GE) in tomato at fruiting. Measurements of transpiration (E), photosynthesis (Pn) and internal leaf CO2 concentration (Ci) are reported. The following winter–spring fertility treatments were applied using randomized complete block design with four replications: 1) 0 N winter–0 N spring, 2) 0 N winter–90 kg N/ha spring, 3) 0 N winter–180 kg N/ha spring, 4) 0 N winter+abruzi rye–0 N spring, 5) 0 N winter+hairy vetch–0 N spring, and 6) 0 N winter+crimson clover–0 N spring. In spring of 1996, 1997, and 1999, `Mountain Pride' tomatoes were transplanted in all plots. Maximum E (14.3 μmol·m–2·s–1), Pn (22.8 μmol CO2/m2 per s), and Ci (352.2 μL·L–1) occurred in 1997, 1996, and 1999, respectively. In general, E was affected mostly by treatments 2, 3, 5, and 6 and Pn by treatments 2 and 5, while treatments 1 and 4 affected Ci the most. Results indicate that N from both legumes and synthetic fertilizer enhanced GE of tomato similarly.
Constant-pressure manometry, previously designed to study O2 and CO2 gas exchange in small pieces of tissue, cells, and organelles, was adapted to study bulky organs. According to this new procedure, a near-zero-volume Devaux chamber connects a manometer to the internal atmosphere volume (VG) of a plant organ covered by a layer of epoxy, submerged in unstirred water, kept at constant temperature, and kept at the same VG pressure. Equations, based on CO2 and O2 solubility at equilibrium with VG, were used to follow O2 consumption as a function of reduced internal O2 pressure over time [for organs with VG < 0.1 (v/v) and respiratory quotient (RQ) of 0.7 to 1.3] to observe the transition between aerobiosis and anaerobiosis and to measure CO2 evolution during the anaerobic phase. For those measurements, bulky-organ manometry performed consistently in tomato [VG = 6.41% (v/v)], sweetpotato [VG = 8.57% (v/v)], and potato [VG = 0.34% (v/v)]. The results indicate that constant-volume manometry is sufficiently precise to detect differences in respiratory metabolism as a function of intercellular O2 concentration in intact plant organs.
Light response curves for gas exchange characteristics were developed for spur leaves of `Stayman' and `Delicious' apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) from interior, intermediate, and exterior canopy positions throughout the season. At full bloom (FB), before full leaf expansion, exterior leaves had higher maximum rates of net photosynthesis (Pn), and a statistically different Pn light response curve than the interior leaves. Intermediate leaves had intermediate Pn rates and light response curves. Pn light response curves for all three `Delicious' canopy positions differed from each other from FB + 6 weeks until the end of the season. Interior leaves had maximum Pn rates of only 50% to 60% of those for the exterior leaves from FB + 10 weeks until the end of the season. Light saturation levels were higher for the exterior leaves than for interior or intermediate leaves. Exterior leaves had a tendency throughout the season for higher quantum efficiency of Pn at subsaturating light levels than interior or intermediate leaves. Stomatal conductance was higher for the exterior than the interior or intermediate leaves of `Delicious' on all dates. Water-use efficiency was equivalent among all leaves. Exterior leaves had higher specific leaf weight, dark respiration rates, and incident light levels on all dates than interior or intermediate leaves.
Mature trees of ‘Fantasia’ nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch. ‘Fantasia’) were treated with the chemical growth regulator paclobutrazol (PP333) in the spring of 1983. Net photosynthetic gas exchange measurements were conducted on treated and control trees in the field at monthly intervals from May through September. Growth responses were measured at the end of the growing season. The paclobutrazol treatment resulted in a 67.9% decrease in annual extension shoot growth compared to controls and no apparent decrease in fruit yield or leaf photosynthetic rate. Total tree leaf area was reduced at the end of the season by an estimated 54.5% (so total tree photosynthesis may have been reduced). There were no apparent effects of either the presence of fruit or stage of fruit maturity on leaf CO2 assimilation rate. Newly produced extension shoots on treated trees had shorter internodes, larger diameters, more flower buds per unit length, higher specific shoot dry weights but fewer buds per unit shoot dry weight, than on untreated trees.
A study was conducted to characterize the morphological and physiological responses of four herbaceous perennial species subjected to two subsequent drought cycles. Lantana camara L. `New Gold' (lantana), Lobelia cardinalis L. (cardinal flower), Salvia farinacea Benth. `Henry Duelberg' (mealy sage), and Scaevola aemula R. Br. `New Wonder' (fan flower) were subjected to two consecutive 10-day drought cycles. Growth response, leaf gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured during the experiment. The morphology of L. cardinalis and L. camara was not affected by drought, while S. farinacea had reductions in plant height and leaf area and S. aemula had reductions in dry weight. Overall, plant growth and development continued even when substrate water content was reduced to 0.13 mm3·mm-3, which indicated a level of substrate water below container capacity was sufficient for greenhouse production of these species. The drought treatments had little effect on the photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of Photosystem II. An increase in minimal fluorescence (Fo) was observed in S. aemula on the last day of the second cycle. Drought treatment caused increased leaf-level water use efficiency (WUE) at the end of the first cycle in L. cardinalis and S. aemula, but not in L. camara and S. farinacea. Plants of L. camara, S. farinacea, and S. aemula that had received drought during both cycles became more water use efficient by the end of the second cycle, but L. cardinalis did not.
The influence of root zone salinity on leaf gas-exchange, water relations, and ion absorption of sapodilla [Manilkara zapota (L.) Royen] plants was studied in sand culture under greenhouse conditions to investigate the mechanisms of stress damage. Treatments consisting of a complete nutrient solution diluted to 1 dSm-1 (control), or the control solution salinized to 12 or 20 dSm-1 were administered from 16 Nov. 1991 until 29 Jan. 1992. The plants were arranged in a completely randomized design with six replications. Net photosynthesis of the plants receiving saline solutions began to decline within two weeks, and by 8 weeks was ca. 70 or 30% of that of control plants for the 12 or 20 dSm-1 treatments, respectively. Salinity reduced apparent quantum yield (based on light response curves), photosynthetic CO2 use efficiency (based on CO2 response curves), leaf osmotic potential, and pre-dawn xylem potential of sapodilla plants. Dark respiration and sensitivity to photoinhibitory damage (based on chlorophyll fluorescence) were not influenced by salinity. Exposure to salinity also increased leaf tissue Na+ and Cl- concentrations, and the Na+/K+ ratio.
Effects of landscape design and land use history on gas exchange parameters were evaluated for woody plants in a factorial site matrix of formerly desert or agricultural land uses and xeric or mesic residential landscape designs within the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Ariz. Remnant Sonoran Desert sites and an alfalfa agricultural field functioned as controls. Residential landscapes and the alfalfa field were irrigated regularly. Monthly instantaneous measurements of maximum leaf and stem carbon assimilation (A), conductance (gs), and transpiration (E) were made within three replicates of each site type during 1998 and 1999. Measurements were repeated monthly on three woody plant life forms: trees, shrubs, and ground covers. Assimilation fluxes were not related to former land use, but were lower for plants in xeric compared with those in mesic landscapes. Transpiration fluxes were higher for plants in formerly agricultural sites than in formerly desert sites, and were lower in xeric than in mesic landscape design. Compared with plants in residential landscapes, A and E fluxes were generally higher for plants in the agricultural control sites and were lower for plants at the desert control sites. Plant instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE = A/E) was higher in formerly agricultural sites than in formerly desert sites but was not affected by landscape design. Patterns of A, gs, and shoot temperature at irrigated sites suggest that maximum plant carbon assimilation was not limited by shoot conductance but was more responsive to shoot temperature. Similarities in patterns of ITE between plants in the different landscape design types suggest that xeric and mesic landscape plants do not differ in terms of water use efficiency.