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  • budget constraint x
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major part of overall tomato production budgets ( Miyao et al., 2008 ; Stoddard et al., 2007 ), because of rising diesel fuel and equipment costs, they are becoming an increasingly important input expense in recent years. Despite the recent availability

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small part of the overall production budget for the high-value vegetable crops grown in the region (e.g., Tourte and Smith, 2010 ) and growers do not want to risk an economic loss for these crops that have exacting market standards for size, color, and

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their overall profits. In a study by Chen et al. (2019) , the authors concluded that consumers were willing to pay a 10% premium on average for strawberries grown on BDMs. Using a partial budget analysis of adopting BDMs in strawberry production in

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characteristics, studies do not always assess consumers’ WTP for the products evaluated. This aspect is important because consumers face budget constraints and economic tradeoffs when making purchasing decisions (Combris et al. 2009). Some studies have used both

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also important for roadside grasses because budget constraints limit the frequency with which the grass is mowed. The ideal roadside grass would have minimal vertical growth but strong horizontal growth for damage repair and persistence. Height

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distribution efficiencies, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Routing and cost analysis were conducted followed by a sensitivity analysis for each constraint. Results showed that with the GIS ArcLogistics 9.3 software, transportation alliances in the

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due to IHN are significant, and it is a significant potato production constraint in this region. Heat stress is thought to be a major contributing factor towards the development of IHN. Using an 11,412 potato gene microarray developed by The Institute

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