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  • Capsicum annuum x
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On a metric ton basis, small fruits produced significantly higher seed yields than either medium or large fruits. Seed yields were significantly higher from fall-harvested than summer-harvested fruit.

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The removal of cotyledons retarded the development and flowering of California Wonder pepper. The effective action of the cotyledons in plant development lasted for about 7 days, the time required for the first pair of leaves to reach cotyledonary size. Removal after 7 days did not affect further development. Removal of the first pair of true leaves did not retard flowering.

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The role of mycorrhiza fungi during acclimatization and post-acclimatization of micropropagated chile ancho plantlets was characterized through physiological and plantlet development changes. Regardless of mycorrhizal colonization, the pepper plantlets had initially low photosynthetic rates and poor growth following transplanting ex vitro. During the first days of acclimatization, water deficits occurred as evidenced by drastic reductions in relative water content. Consequently, transpiration rates and stomatal conductance (gs) declined, confirming that in vitro formed stomata were functional, thus avoiding excessive leaf dehydration and plant death. Mycorrhiza had a positive effect on gas exchange as early as day 7 and 8, as indicated by increasing photosynthesis (A) and gs. Mycorrhizal plantlets had reduced levels of abscisic acid (ABA) during peak stress (6 days after transplanting ex vitro), which corresponded with subsequent increases in gs and A. During acclimatization, A increased in both non-colonized and colonized plantlets, with greater rates observed in mycorrhizal plantlets. During post-acclimatization, mycorrhiza colonized 45% of the roots of pepper plantlets and enhanced plant growth by increasing leaf area, leaf dry mass, and fruit number. Mycorrhiza also enhanced total leaf chlorophyll content, A, and nutrient uptake of pepper plantlets, particularly N, P, and K. Early mycorrhizal colonization produced important benefits, which helped ex vitro transplanted plantlets recover during acclimatization and enhance physiological performance and growth during post-acclimatization.

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Pepper seedlings can be infested with broad mites prior to transplanting. Transplanted seedlings may not present visible mite damage symptoms and few microscopic mites will be undetected by growers. A rapid increase of the mite population can subsequently result in yield losses in greenhouse-grown crops. Control of broad mites based on biological (N. californicus) and conventional (sulfur) methods were evaluated after infested transplants were introduced into a production greenhouse. Seedlings were artificially infested with two broad mites, 3 days before they were transplanted in mid-September in a passively ventilated greenhouse in Florida. Plants had either two predatory mites released once [4 days after transplanting (DAT)], or twice (4 and 22 DAT), or were sprayed with sulfur (four weekly applications starting 13 DAT when first damage symptoms were noticed). Damage on plants was assessed by an injury scale transformed into percentage values, with 100% being total damage on untreated infested plants. Broad mites were absent in all plants 38 DAT but the damage caused to the plants at this time was negatively correlated (r= –0.95) with marketable yield at 90 DAT. Plants produced no marketable yield where broad mites were not controlled. One or two releases of predators led to respective damages of 56% and 45%, and fruit yields of 2.0 and 3.0 kg·m-2. Plants sprayed with sulfur had a damage of 7% after reaching a maximum of 74% at 18 DAT; however, yields were 4.3 kg·m-2, which was similar to the yield obtained in the uninfested control treatment (4.6 kg·m-2). Releases of predators prior to transplanting and/or higher predator release densities may be needed under similar conditions and will be evaluated in a subsequent experiment.

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( Table 1 ). This included six Capsicum species: C. annuum , C. baccatum , C. chinense , C. frutescens , C. chacoense Hunz., and C. rhomboideum (Dunal) Kuntze. Table 1. List of Capsicum accessions evaluated for powdery mildew ( Leveillula

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to develop varieties of Capsicum for higher yields of red pigmentation need to also breed in a non-pungent or mild Capsicum background ( Hornero-Méndez et al., 2002 ; Walker et al., 2004 ). In New Mexico, the economic value of a chile ( C. annuum

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In Capsicum, 39 species have been identified including five domesticated species, C. annuum , C. baccatum , C. chinense, Capsicum frutescens , and Capsicum pubescens ( Carrizo García et al., 2016 ). Chile peppers are an important culinary

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species ( C . annuum L., C . baccatum L., C . chinense Jacq., C . frutescens L., and C . pubescens ) among the 32 documented species in the Capsicum genus (Solanaceae family) ( Qin et al., 2014 ). These domestication efforts resulted in

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The oomycete Phytophthora capsici Leonian causes root and fruit rot, stem blight, and foliar blight in pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) ( Leonian, 1922 ) causing global yield losses ( Babadoost, 2004 ). Currently the disease is managed through the

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source of breeding materials by challenging possible candidates with a wide diversity of pathogens collected in Japan. Materials and Methods Capsicum accessions. Eight Capsicum annuum accessions, which are previously described as resistant

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