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vegetables can be affected by many pre- and postharvest factors ( Kader, 2008 ). The management of mineral nutrition is a key preharvest factor that determines biomass, yield, and quality of vegetable crops. Soilless culture represents an interesting tool
species such as Aloe arborescens . Besides, most of the literature information focused on field production of aloe, whereas the soilless culture of aloe plants under greenhouse conditions has received little attention. Starting from these considerations
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reasons, the present work studied the effect of different temperatures of the growing medium on the production and quality of corn salad [ Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr., cultivar Gala] plants grown in soilless culture to exclude the effect of nutrient
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round in a soilless culture with appropriate cultivars and manipulation of the nutrient solution temperature ( Ikeda et al., 1995 ). Frantz and Welbaum (1998) used hydroponic float beds for growing several horticultural crops in the greenhouse