washed off debris) was decanted and a second wash of 2500 ppm Trichlor was applied to seed with agitation for 10 to 15 min and subsequently decanted. For seed that were chemically mutagenized, the initial supernatant was decanted and a solution of 0.1 M
mulches used in vegetable production are contaminated with too much dirt and debris to be recycled directly from the field ( Hemphill, 1993 ). Polyethylene mulches contain nearly as much potential energy per unit weight as oil (20,000 Btu/lb) and could be
content and sands are more prone to surface drying ( Müller and Deurer, 2011 ). On sand soils, SWR is universally attributed to hydrophobic organic matter coating on the sand particle surfaces and hydrophobic organic particulate matter from plant debris or
st. augustinegrass ( Stenotaphrum secundatum ) clippings in Brevard County, FL, Strynchuk et al. (2004) determined that quick removal of street organic debris is needed to avoid the rapid loss of pollutants from the debris. Phosphorus from leaf
by one or two people on a calm, dry day using a series of folds that are in reverse order of application. Dry tarps free of plant and soil debris can be stored for many years if kept out of the sun. Rodents are attracted to loosely piled tarps and can
on waterproof trays and scanned using a specialized Dual Scan optical scanner (Regent Instruments Inc., Quebec, Canada). The acquisition and image analysis software was WinRHIZO Pro (Version 2009c; Regent Instruments Inc.). Debris removal among
found in the Puyallup series. The site is level, receives full sun, and has no barriers to root penetration. It was cropped to field corn for several years before 2001. Organic amendments. Yard debris compost was received from a local commercial
miscounted cellular debris. Counts were not conducted on lateral flowers within a cluster as a result of the high numbers of flowers of that type containing degenerated ovules. Fig. 3. Methods used to assess the number of ovules in individual pomegranate
Texas wild rice was noted by Emery in the 1960s. Emery (1967) cited several factors thought to have probable effect on the rapid decline of TWR in the upper portion of the San Marcos River, including river bottom dredging, floating vegetative debris
quality based on USDA standards ( USDA, AMS, 1958 , 1989 , 1992 ). After the last harvest, plant debris was mowed. After 3 weeks, the debris was tilled under and soil samples from each fertilizer treatment and each crop were obtained as described