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, combined, can increase watermelon WUE and water conservation ( Yang et al., 2017 ). In addition to these practices, organic input, which includes the application of organic materials (compost, humic substances, biochar, etc.), cover crop residues, and
Geoderma 113 357 380 Chantigny, M.H. Angers, D.A. Rochette, P. 2002 Fate of carbon and nitrogen from animal manure and crop residues in wet and cold soils Soil Biol. Biochem. 34 509 517 CoStat
strawberry planting. After prior crop residue incorporation, fields were chemically fumigated in September to October. Fields were planted in October to November using transplants of ‘Albion’ (nine fields) or a proprietary cultivar (17 fields); both cultivars
stimulation of seed germination, increased rates of seed predation and decay, and through the suppressive effects of cover crop residues, which remain on the soil surface under reduced tillage systems ( Liebman and Mohler, 2001 ; Luna et al., 2012 ; Teasdale
al., 2006 ). In field and row crops, soil characteristics and ecology affect conduciveness and pathogen distribution within a field, factors that have been used to develop recommendations such as deep plowing of crop residues ( Lewis et al., 1983
release from pine litter Nature 377 227 229 Opoku, A. Chaves, B. De Neve, S. 2014 Neem seed oil: A potent nitrification inhibitor to control nitrate leaching after incorporation of crop residues Biol. Agric. Hort. 30 145 152 Patra, D.D. Kiran, U. Pande, P
effects on N uptake by the cash crop have not been well studied. West et al. (2016) and Johnson et al. (2012) ended field pea cover crop through mechanical tillage. This aggressive termination technique, which incorporates the cover crop residue into
.D. Oenema, O. 2007 Crop residue, manure and fertilizer in dry land maize under reduced tillage in northern China: I grain yields and nutrient use efficiencies Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 79 1 16 Wang, X.J. Chen, J.X. Li, X.Q. Wu, Z.S. Liang, Z.S. Wang, M. Gao
generated from nine crop residues on an acidic Ultisol Soil Use Mgt. 27 110 115 Zall, D.M. Fisher, D. Garner, M.Q. 1956 Photometric determination of chlorides in water Anal. Chem. 28 1665 1668
Decomposition of tree leaf litter and crop residues from ginkgo agroforestry systems in Eastern China: An in situ study J. Soils Sediments 18 1424 1431 Hammar, H.E. Hunter, J.H. 1949 Influence of fertilizer treatment on the chemical composition of Moore pecan