, their study did not go long enough to test long-term impacts. Choi et al. (2011) reported no effect of a wood chip mulch compared with weed mat in organic apple trees ( Malus × pumila Mill.) in a 6-year study, although cultivars did respond
pine tree harvesting for the paper and timber industry and also by the use of PB as a fuel source, in retail potting media, and as landscape mulches. Wood-based substrates have been some of the more heavily researched and successful alternative
of allelopathic chemicals ( Duryea et al., 1999 ). With apples, studies have found that poultry litter and woodchip compost ( Brown and Tworkoski, 2004 ) and wood chip and shredded paper mulch ( Granatstein and Mullinix, 2008 ) provided effective weed
other wood chip mulches have been found to lower soil pH in blueberry grown in various soils and climatic conditions worldwide ( Cox, 2009 ; Karp et al., 2006 ). In flat beds, soil under weed mat alone had a significantly higher pH (6.0) than for weed
thermal performance of a luvisol topsoil layer Folia Oecologica 37 1 7 Beeck, C. Pude, R. Blanke, M. 2006 Mulching with shredded wood or Miscanthus chips maintains soil moisture and promotes soil fertility as well as vegetative and reproductive growth of
was mulched with conifer wood shavings. Expt. 4 used container-grown bigtooth maple seedlings as the rootstock. All budwood was bigtooth maple and was collected and budded on the same day, generally within the morning hours. Successful bud-take was
.L. 2009 Production of woody nursery crops in clean chip residual substrate J. Environ. Hort. 27 56 62 Day, M. 2009 Mulch producers tune into biofuel boom Soil Mulch Producers News 3 1 3, 16 Dresboll
following shallow cultivation. Straw, wood chips, and compost were tested for 2 years in an organic bell pepper crop. These mulches provided adequate weed control only when combined with early-season shallow cultivation. High yields were obtained when this
another study, incorporation of pecan pruning wood chips into the soil improved soil tilth and aggregation and increased volumetric water content 20 d after irrigation ( Tahboub et al., 2008 ) while not affecting nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium
, flumioxazin, and isoxaben applications on crabgrass, eclipta, and spotted spurge, respectively, in standard pine bark and alternative wood-based substrates. Alternative substrates evaluated included clean chip residual and WholeTree, both wood-based forestry