data sets: TA_Unadj, for which no modification was made to the automatic fruit boundaries, and TA_Adj, for which the boundaries were adjusted based on visual inspection to better represent the proximal end of each fruit. Figure 2 provides an example
DFC, which included twice-daily visual inspection of the crop followed by manual irrigation initiation with a timer-based shutoff if irrigation was deemed necessary by the grower. Irrigation was applied to the control treatment via drip tape with
end. In addition, transpiration of skins from symptomatic fruit exceeded that from fruit without neck shrivel, regardless of skin region ( Fig. 1C ). These differences were all significant at P ≤ 0.05. Visual inspection and fluorescence microscopy
to both linear and non-linear regression. A two-sample t test was used to detect significant differences in NRD, XPP, AWU, and chlorophyll index in the final experiment. Results Short-term exposure to ethylene. It was apparent after visual
did not know the actual extent of skinning injury and inferred product quality from visual inspection alone. The second auction round was labeled, meaning that participants were shown the percentage of skinning injury in each set of sweetpotatoes
visual inspection and light microscopy, fruit were surface disinfested by swabbing with 70% ethanol, and small pieces of symptomatic tissue were plated onto half PDA to recover any Phyllosticta colonies. Fruit that failed to produce CBS symptoms during
highest perception rating of 5.0 was recorded for cultural control methods, isolation and quarantine of incoming plants, inspection of incoming plant material, scouting for diseases, and removing infected and damaged plants. Although the panel members
. Of these, 1396 alleles were not visible as separate peaks from markers displaying two or three alleles. Hidden alleles for these markers were confirmed by visual inspection of relative peak heights. Peaks with twice the relative fluorescent units (rfu
obtained from one cane per plant of six replications of each cultivar. The percentages of dead flowers (dead flowers/total flowers) for ‘Apache’, ‘Arapaho’, ‘Navaho’, and ‘Ouachita’ were 6, 47, 12, and 58, respectively. Visual inspection of the plants
visual inspection as present (1) or absent (0). There were 100-bp ladders on both sides of each gel as standards, and every polymorphic fragment was scored. Fragments smaller than 50 bp and larger than 600 bp were excluded from the analysis. The