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  • small-berry cultivar x
  • Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science x
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1300 to 1600 HR were considered afternoon blooming types, as described by Yao et al. (2015) . Total soluble solids (%). Immediately after the fruits were harvested, five fruits from each cultivar replication were cut into small pieces. One wedge

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samples were plucked from the six selected grapevines for each cultivar. At least six fresh clusters were collected for each sample; they were then placed on ice packs and immediately taken to the laboratory. Three 50-berry batches randomly selected from

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products such as jams and juices. Raspberry and blackberry were first grown commercially in Europe in the mid-16th century, and the breeding of raspberry began in the 18th century ( Jennings, 1995 ). A total of 187 red raspberry and 75 blackberry cultivars

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Rain-induced cracking severely limits production of many soft-textured, drupe, and berry fruits. Sweet cherry is a prominent example of the former ( Christensen, 1996 ). Cracking is commonly assumed to result from increased fruit turgor, caused by

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( Vaccinium angustifolium ), and hexaploid rabbiteye blueberry [ Vaccinium ashei ( Rowland et al., 2012 )]. Most cultivars are self-incompatible ( Chavez and Lyrene, 2009 ; Ehlenfeldt and Kramer, 2012 ; Miller et al., 2011 ; Yang et al., 2017 ). Self

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explanation since, in our cultivar comparisons, the range in ε fracture (range 0.17 ± 0.01 to 0.22 ± 0.01 mm 2 ·mm −2 ; M. Brüggenwirth, unpublished data) was very much smaller than the difference between the ε fracture value determined using the elastometer

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deciduous shrubs that produce small berries and belong to Ericaceae. It is considered one of the fruits with the greatest commercial development potential in the 21st century ( Yang et al. 2019 ). Blueberry farmers have long known that some cultivars of

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the spathe of 27 calla lily cultivars imported from the Netherlands and found that the primary color determinants in the spathe were flavonoids that differed significantly in terms of both total anthocyanin and total flavonol content among the

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( Jaillon et al., 2007 ), which led to improvements in fruiting ability and quality; development of new cultivars through genetic engineering; and acceleration of resource evaluation and breeding ( Yu et al., 2020 ). NACs are a plant-specific transcription

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not always, have higher photosynthetic capacities ( Bunce and Heichel, 1986 ). The temperature optimum (T opt ) of plants grown at higher temperatures is often higher than plants grown at lower temperatures ( Berry and Björkman, 1980 ). Therefore

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