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). Hurricane Michael caused declining production in Georgia, whereas alternate bearing habits within pecan trees may be the reason for a decreased decline in Texas ( Haire, 2018 ; Nesbitt et al., 2010 ). American pecan growers have been largely feeding the

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–19 compared with 2017–18 due to hurricane Irma, which hit Florida in Sept. 2017. Hurricanes and tropical storms in Florida can cause fruit damage and drop, along with a deterioration in orchard health for several seasons, by spreading pests and diseases

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1930s injured trees along with two hurricane events that also damaged the crop ( Winberg, 1948b ). The freeze of 20 Nov. 1940 killed most trees, which essentially eliminated the commercial industry ( Winberg, 1948c ). There have been isolated attempts

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miles an hour during Hurricane Katrina in Aug. 2005. Leaves are alternate, simple, and moderate olive green (RHS 146A) on an adaxial leaf surface and moderate yellowish green on an abaxial leaf surface (RHS 147B). Leaves are pointed, ovate–cordate, on

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, N. Perfecto, I. 1994 Resistance and resilience in a directly regenerating rainforest: Nicaraguan trees of the Vochysiaceae after Hurricane Joan For. Ecol. Mgt. 68 127 136 Butler, D.W. Gleason, S.M. Davidson, I. Onoda, Y. Westoby, M. 2011 Safety and

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per tree) of pecan cultivars in Tift County, GA, in the 7th through 15th year of growth (2012–20). Mean separation within a year of growth by Duncan’s multiple range test, P ≤ 0.05. ‘Gafford’ year 14 yield was lost to Hurricane Michael. A second

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were significantly higher in June than any other month in all 5 years. Leafminer activity also varied from year to year. The lower counts observed in 2004 were likely influenced by three hurricanes that impacted the area that year. Table 1

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. Perspect. Plant Ecol Evol Syst . 1 ( 2 ): 221 – 237 . . Xiao H , Tang Y . 2019 . Assessing the “superposed” effects of storm surge from a Category 3 hurricane and continuous sea-level rise on saltwater

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successfully used during times of crisis, such as extreme drought ( Wagler and Cannon, 2015 ) and hurricanes ( Ruth et al., 2020 ). Faced with a dilemma of using digital methods instead of in-person education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Twitter is a potential

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size are common avoidance strategies because they minimize the forces encountered by the plant. Zimmerman (2010) defined plant height as the major characteristic behind disparity in damage among papaya cultivars during Hurricane Omar with shorter

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