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for agriculture? Final Report on Entrust Project 675382.006. Harris, P.M. 1992 Mineral nutrition 162 213 Harris P.M. The potato crop: The scientific basis for improvement Chapman and Hall London, UK Jarrell, W.M. Beverly, R.B. 1981 The dilution effect

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tolerance and has attracted increased attention for its potential use in home lawns, golf courses, parks, and grounds areas ( Fry, 1995 ; Harivandi and Wu, 1995 ; Shearman et al., 2004 ). Currently, turf-type buffalograss cultivars are established by

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medium; resistant to rosette disease ( Cercosporella spp.); susceptible to orange rust ( Gymnoconia spp.); recommended for home gardens, U-Pick, and local fresh market berries. BLUEBERRY Mark K. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS, P.E. Marucci Center for Blueberry

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Improvement Center, Mexico, D.F Qi, X. Zheng, X. Ren, H. Liang, S. Yan, H. Wu, Y. 2017 Effect of xenia on fruit quality and sucrose metabolism enzyme activity in red bayberry J. Fruit Sci. 34 861 867 Qi, X.J. Han, L.X. Li, M. Xu, S.K. Zhu, Y.S. Li, W.X. Qiao

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2624; resistant to root-knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne spp.); well anchored; compatible with Nonpareil, Price, and Monterey almond. APPLE Sarah Kostick, and Kate Evans, Washington State University Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Wenatchee, WA

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micronutrients. Heerema et al. (2017) found that zinc (Zn) application via fertigation increased P n on immature pecan trees. Sherman et al. (2017) observed an improvement in P n under foliar applications of manganese (Mn) on nonbearing pecan trees

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well as Marion. BLUEBERRY Mark Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS, Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Laboratory, Henry A. Wallace Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD Alba. A midseason blueberry suitable for evergreen management under

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., 2009 ). Indigenous vegetables have long been a vital component of the traditional diet in Asian and African countries. In contrast, food habits in the European and American countries are centered on meat, poultry, and dairy products. Although the

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-specific polymorphisms; and 3) determine if the designed primers were specific to the FaRCa1 region of chromosome Fvb 6-3 ( Fig. 1A and B ). PrimerQuest software from Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. ( ) was used to design HRM

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improvement. Vegetative and Floral Characteristics Akebia species are deciduous woody vines that may reach up 7 to 12 m high and are normally found in patches because of their predominantly clonal reproduction. Vines can grow upright if supported or

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