Seedlessness is one of the most important breeding objectives in citrus. Seedlessness is caused by several factors such as self-incompatibility, male or female sterility, early arrested seed after fertilization, and so on. However, self
fertilization requires a correct assessment of soil or crop N status. Tests, carried out before planting, determine the N for the crop and provide an estimate of the additional amount of N to be applied. Limits of the N balance sheet to guide fertilization The N
In Florida, most producers of cut chrysanthemums (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.) use overhead irrigation systems and fertilize with soluble fertilizer injected through the system. Trickle irrigation can be used to produce cut chrysanthemums with substantial savings in water (2). Controlled-release fertilizers can be successfully used to produce cut chrysanthemums (1) and may be advantageous in certain production situations (3). Direct yield comparisons influenced by the four possible combinations of irrigation and fertilization practices have not been researched in previous studies. We, therefore, evaluated main and interactive effects of overhead or trickle irrigation in conjunction with soluble or controlled-release fertilization on the yield and postharvest quality of cut chrysanthemums.
populations in no-till pumpkins have become easier to control with the recent introduction of a surface-applied herbicide that does not require soil incorporation. Selecting appropriate planting dates and fertilization rates are critical for producing high
. Little research is available about the relationship between S content of irrigation water and S requirement in a fertilization program ( Olson and Rehm, 1986 ). Field sites without mineral-bound S sources may have insufficient S dissolved in soil water to
organic production that needed to be addressed, including greater production costs and inputs (particularly for fertilization and weed management), limited Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)-approved options for disease and insect control, and
supply to snap bean is crucial for achieving maximum yield, particularly in sandy soils and low organic matter environments where N content tends to be limited. However, N fertilization needs to be implemented with caution, because N is a dynamic element
.01Mo–0.05Zn; JR Peters, Inc., Allentown, PA) at a concentration of 100 mg·L −1 N. Each funnel was placed over a 400 mL glass jar (Fisher Scientific) so that the fertilized irrigation water passing through the mulch layer would collect in the jar
that for HLB-affected trees, root density can be improved by altering soil applications through modification of irrigation and fertilization practices to balance water and nutrient requirements of the trees ( Johnson and Graham 2015 ). The citrus root
type. Today, grafted and nongrafted melons are fertilized similarly, but it seems that a new fertilization scheme should be developed that takes into consideration the differences in absorption and uptake between melon and Cucurbita root systems