109 ORAL SESSION 28 (Abstr. 572–579) Fruit Set & Seed Quality–Vegetables
109 ORAL SESSION 28 (Abstr. 572–579) Fruit Set & Seed Quality–Vegetables
109 ORAL SESSION 28 (Abstr. 572–579) Fruit Set & Seed Quality–Vegetables
109 ORAL SESSION 28 (Abstr. 572–579) Fruit Set & Seed Quality–Vegetables
native wildflower seed producer each in North Carolina and Alabama. One challenge facing the industry is seed quality, which can often vary within a species and even by seed origin ( Andersson and Milberg, 1998 ; Baskin and Baskin, 1998 ) and harvest
flowering times mature at different periods resulting in seeds of different quality. This affects seed quality in once-over harvesting (harvesting all fruits at the same time to produce a seed lot) systems. Multiple harvesting of fruits as they are mature
their impact on seed yield, vegetative biomass, canopy cover, harvest index, plant nutrient status, seed quality, seed health, and foliar SLS severity. We hypothesized that earlier and more frequent irrigation would increase marketable seed yield and
compared with the original seed, it was estimated that viruses were then causing yield declines ranging as high as 25% to 40% ( Carroll et al., 2004 ). Thus, although potyvirus re-infection occurs very rapidly and may cause some decline in seed quality
reflect the most influential facet of how this armored scale reduces seed quality. For example, the absolute decline in gametophyte starch may have a much greater impact on seed viability because this haploid tissue is constructed to support embryo growth
.L. 2007 Time to radical protrusion does not correlate with early seedling growth in individual seeds of impatiens and petunia J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132 423 428 Ellis, R.H. Roberts, E.H. 1980 Towards a rational basis for testing seed quality 605 635