). The suspension was filtered through a 50-μm nylon mesh screen to remove plant debris. Nuclei were stained using 1.6 mL staining buffer containing 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (CyStain ultraviolet Precise P; Partec). Stained nuclei were analyzed with
. Colletotrichum acutatum conidia may survive in soil and plant debris under dry conditions for up to 12 months, but conidia and sclerotia die rapidly under moist conditions, i.e., soil moisture ≥12% ( Norman and Strandberg, 1997 ). ANTHRACNOSE CULTURAL
= no inflorescences, 1 = all tillers flowering). Two weeks after the inflorescence rating, straw persistence was rated on a 1–9 scale as the amount of straw debris present in the verdure after 2 weeks of mowing (9 = least amount of straw and/or debris
experimental unit (i.e., with yield from the two sample trees in each plot pooled) using a pecan harvester (Savage Model 8042, Madill, OK). To account for varying levels of debris and leaf litter in the piles of nuts after they had been mostly cleaned by
was used for soil analysis, whereas the other half was used to quantify root biomass. Verdure from each column was removed at the soil surface using a razor blade and then dried at 60 °C for 24 h. Dried samples were cleaned of sand and debris using the
by lettuce plant debris in soil or leaves of symptomless weed species after the summer and winter fallow periods in California ( Barak et al., 2001 ). Xcv has also been demonstrated to be spread rapidly by overhead irrigation in greenhouse from only
of the handcrafted subirrigation system evaluated in a commercial greenhouse facility for clonal eucalyptus seedling production: (a) water supply, (b) outlet holes to avoid debris obstruction, (c) ebb-and-flow benches, and (d) drain trough. Fig. 2
cytoplasmic debris, and the chromosome morphology was excellent, allowing for clear visualization of non-distorted chromosomes. All chromosomes of C. obcordata could easily be separated from each other with essentially no overlap ( Fig. 3 ). Well
for 10 min to pellet large debris. One milliliter of supernatant was transferred to a microcentrifuge tube and centrifuged for 5 min at 13,000 g n to pellet smaller debris. Juice was filtered through 0.20-μm nylon membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA
, H. Shim, W.J. Kwon, J.H. 2014 Sorption capacity of plastic debris for hydrophobic organic chemicals Sci. Total Environ. 470/471 1545 1552 Lichtenberg, E. Majsztrik, J. Saavoss, M. 2013 Profitability of sensor-based irrigation in greenhouse and