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into the soil is vital so that N release from organic pools corresponds to plant N demand ( Weinert et al., 2002 ). Timing mineralization from leguminous cover crop residues to correspond with peak plant demand of N has been found effective in V

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Regular additions of organic materials such as animal manures and crop residues are important in maintaining the tilth, fertility, and productivity of soils, protecting them from wind and water erosion and preventing nutrient losses through runoff

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in conservation tillage systems J. Cotton Sci. 4 84 90 Reeves, D.W. 1994 Cover crops and rotations, p. 125–172. In: Hatfield, J.L., and B.A. Stewart (eds.). Advances in soil science: Crops residue management. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. SAS 2009

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.A. Attiwill, M.P. 1986 Nutrient cycling and nitrogen mineralization in eucalypt forests of southeastern Australia Plant Soil 92 341 362 Aulakh, M.S. Doran, J.W. Walters, D.T. Mosier, A.R. Francis, D.D. 1991 Crop residue type and placement effects on

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interlayer of 2:1 clays ( Sparks, 2012 ), crop K uptake ( Fernández et al., 2008 ), and/or return of K to the soil from crop residues ( Oltmans and Mallarino, 2011 ), among other factors. Unfortunately, the net effects of these factors over time on soil test

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crop residues and their uses in greenhouse soilless cropping Acta Hort. 549 147 152 van der Gaag, D.J. van Noort, F.R. Stapel-Cuijpers, L.H.M. de Kreij, C. Termorshuizen, A.J. van Rijn, E. Zmora-Nahum, S. Chen, Y. 2007 The use of green waste compost in

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) and Italian ryegrass [ Lolium perenne L. ssp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husnot] weeds increased with the use of sawdust as mulch. Broadleaf weeds were more susceptible to mulching than grassy weeds. Mukhopadhyay (2006) reported that the crop residue

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series book 4. Sust. Agr. Network Beltsville, MD Maiorana, M. Castrignano, A. Fornaro, F. 2001 Crop residue management effects on soil mechanical impedance J. Agr. Eng. Res. 79 231 237

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. Ros, P. Fernández, A. Lacasa, A. Bello, A. 2006 Use of pepper crop residues for the control of root-knot nematodes Bioresour. Technol. 98 2846 2851 Reifschneider, F.J.B. Boiteux, L.S. Della Vecchia, P.T. Poulos, J.M. Kuroda, N. 1992 Inheritance of

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, P. 2013 Foliar-applied urea at bloom improves early fruit growth and nitrogen status of spur leaves in pear trees, cv. Williams bon chretien Sci. Hort. 150 16 21 Daughtry, C.S.T. 2001 Discriminating crop residues from soil by shortwave infrared

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