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). Yield reductions have resulted from poor seed coverage, reduced soil temperatures, and N immobilization during cover crop decomposition. No-till vegetable systems have produced mixed results across the United States. Abdul-Baki and Teasdale (1997a
analyzed by analysis of variance, and different letters within the column indicate significant differences at P ≤ 0.05 according to least significant difference test. Results and discussion Electric-energy consumption of the lighting systems. When used as
collected on six experimental units per substrate per limestone rate. Data were analyzed using SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) general linear model (PROC GLM) for analysis of variance. For substrate physical properties, means were separated by
). Ethephon penetrates into plant tissues and is then further translocated, where it decomposes to ethylene, the active substance ( Zhang and Wen, 2010 ). Ethylene affects a variety of processes throughout the plant including stress responses ( Wang et al
into beds 8–10 inches deep preplant, and a 2.5 to 4.0-inch layer of organic mulch (typically donated wood chips from local arborists) was maintained on the beds throughout the study. Initial compost and the decomposition of organic mulch provided
processes including organic matter decomposition, nitrogen transformation, etc. Soil microbial communities differed significantly depending on ground management practices in a 10-year apple trial ( Laurent et al., 2008 ). Soil treated with preemergence
cooler to prevent chemical decomposition. Each H 2 O 2 solution was confirmed using titration with potassium permanganate as outlined in Klassen et al. (1994) . Treatment protocol Treatments began on 22 Mar. 2018 for lettuce plugs, 23 Mar. 2018 for
terms of playing the traditional roles of substantially modifying soil physical and chemical properties. This is because the added amounts are typically small and in the case of seaweed, which decomposes rapidly, transient. These materials are better
effects of the nine treatments than with the main effects and interactions between main effects ( Zhang et al., 2013a , 2013b , 2014 ). One-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were therefore used to determine how the nine treatments affected the properties
result in a loss of pseudostem resources ( Liu et al., 2014 ). The main methods of pseudostem return include direct return, indirect return, and biochemical decomposition. In direct return, the pseudostem is crushed and buried in the field, which is easy