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  • spider flower x
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below average), endured average temperatures of 47 °F in January and 90 °F in June (6 and 3 °F above average, respectively) ( O’Neill et al., 2018 ), and experienced spider mite infestation. Hops are generally dioecious, with female plants selected for

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. In some cases, immature plants may not turn yellow but wilt and collapse in 1 d. Fruit and flowers on affected plants are not distorted. The distinguishing characteristic of yellow vine-affected plants is that the phloem, which normally has a clear

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Company, Marysville, OH) until runoff to prevent root rot. During the establishment stage (35 d), plants were pruned once a week to remove flower buds and improve plant shape. Although the cultivars used for the study are relatively pest-free in the

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treated as necessary. In the high tunnel, parasitic mites ( Neoseiulus fallacies ) were released to control spider mites (Tetranychidae) in May and July 2009. Air temperatures inside and outside of the high tunnel were recorded, as well as soil temperature

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Shannon-Wiener diversity index ( H ′). The remaining taxa were observed in lesser abundance ( Table 1 ), being represented by predators, most of them polyphagous. Among them, spiders (Araneae) were the most abundant, occurring in greater numbers in the

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, moderately firm, crisp, not gritty, very juicy; sweet, medium acidity, rich aroma, not bitter or astringent. Tree: moderate vigor; spreading habit; 70-90° crotch angles; flowers mid-late-season and fruit ripens a few days before Royal Gala; similar to Royal

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seasons. Captan (Captan 50WP; Albaugh Inc., Ankeny, IA, USA) was sprayed once in Spring 2016 to manage this disease. Two-spotted spider mites ( Tetranychus urticae ) caused damage in all three seasons. Bifenazate (Acramite 50 WS; Chemtura Corp., Middlebury

Open Access

flower buds and improve plant shape, and they were irrigated as needed using a nutrient solution containing 300 mg·L −1 15N–1.1P–6.2K and reverse osmosis water. The plants were periodically watered with 5.15 g·L −1 Sequestrene 138 (6% iron chelate

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. macrocarpon are cooked like spinach and the fruits are stewed ( Lester, 1998 ). The cultivated eggplant ( S. melongena ) is reported to be susceptible to the shoot and fruit borer ( Leucinodes orbonalis ) and spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae Koch), whereas

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depending on insect pollinators ( U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2016 ). Plants use a variety of characteristics, such as color, shape, and odor, to attract insects ensuring that these flower visitors will not leave without being dusted with pollen. Certain

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