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plant to achieve a final plant density of ≈60,000 plants/ha. All the seed for the experiment had been obtained the previous year in the same location. Two traits related to stand establishment, namely emergence and early vigor, were measured on each

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. Germination index (GI), vigor index (VI), germination velocity (GV), and mean germination time (MGT) of C. bungei seeds at different concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) under 60 m m NaCl. Table 3. Shoot height (SH), taproot length (TL), shoot

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stenospermocarpic seedlessness, the seeds abort a few weeks after fertilization ( Ledbetter and Ramming, 1989 ). Parthenocarpic grapes lack seed traces, whereas a range of sizes of seed and seed traces is found in crosses between stenospermocarpic seedless and

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), and Acer ( Wangen and Webster, 2006 ). The elimination or reduction of seeds, especially in taxa with heavy seed production, has been a primary goal for ornamental plant breeders. Even in taxa that do not pose an immediate risk to native forests

Open Access

ground and rapidly form a dense mat, and sexually by seed ( Eck, 1990 ). Seeds are produced through outcrossing by native pollinators or European honeybee ( Apis mellifera L.), or through self-pollination ( Marucci and Filmer, 1964 ; Sarracino and Vorsa

Open Access

, whereas ‘Peruque’ and ‘Shoshoni’ were most affected. Table 3. Mean resistance to salt injury ratings of pecan rootstocks from seven seed source cultivars on all observation dates. z Vigor ratings reflect general observable plant health and growth

Open Access

compare priming techniques for emergence and vigor of parsley’s seedlings, providing an optimal priming strategy for parsley seedling production. Material and methods Imbibition curve of parsley seeds. The first step of this study was to

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numerous small, shiny black berries that ripen from mid-September through October. The berries are barely edible, having large seeds, grit-like sclerids, and little juice. Vaccinium arboreum interests blueberry breeders for several reasons. In particular

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Farmers throughout the world have traditionally used fire and smoke in grain drying practices. It is thought that these methods improve germination and seedling vigor ( Paasonen et al., 2003 ). Recently, the germination response to smoke has been

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of root hairs ( Kamula et al., 1994 ) leads to inefficient nutrient uptake, which may result in nutrient deficiencies ( Sullivan et al., 2001 ). Improving seed germination and root architecture may help to overcome nutrient and water limitations and

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