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  • in vitro germination x
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additionally be of critical importance to this final aim. Indeed, 100% mortality has been reported in mango when in vitro-recovered plants derive from precociously germinated immature embryos ( Sahijram et al., 2005 , 2009 ). The present study shows that

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and easy-to-propagate bromeliad species, was used. Seeds of A. nudicaulis were germinated in vitro on MS medium ( Murashige and Skoog, 1962 ) with the concentration of macronutrients reduced to one-fourth. When seedlings reached ≈1 cm in height, they

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seeds germinated on the walls of the vessel where nutrient liquid remained and seeds germinated faster than those on a solid medium. Given that in vitro liquid culture has been used successfully to cultivate a number of important nonorchids such as

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weeks to fresh medium. Shoot induction. Three-month-old M. mathildae seedlings (15 mm) germinated in vitro were used as the source of explants for shoot induction experiments. Three explant types were tested: apical (5 mm), lateral

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the same basal medium solidified with phytagel for germination of somatic embryos. Mata-Rosas et al. (2001) obtained a large number of adventitious shoots from longitudinal sections of in vitro germinated seedlings of Turbinicarpus laui , cultured

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et al., 2018 ), Abelmoschus esculentus L. ( Irshad et al., 2018 ). Some advancements in embryo culture of peony have been made recently. Rapid seedling formation within 40 d was reported by in vitro germination of mature embryos (90 DAA) of P

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) found that in vitro tetrad germination in highbush blueberry differed across cultivars, ranging from 5.5% to 70.6%. Brewer and Dobson (1969) reported greater rates of germination in ‘Rubel’ (45%) compared with ‘Jersey’ (23%). Lang and Parrie (1992

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treatments to enable the cryostorage of orchid pollen ( Ajeeshkumar and Decruse, 2013 ; Pritchard and Prendergast, 1989 ; Vendrame et al., 2008 ), and most studies have been concerned with pollen storage in LN followed by rewarming and in vitro germination

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Inc., Burlingame, CA), and the images were captured digitally by a charge-coupled device camera attached to an epifluorescence microscope (Axioskop 2; Carl Zeiss AG). In vitro pollen germination. At the time of anthesis, pollinia were collected from

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cytokinin on multiple shoot induction from nodal segments. After 4 weeks on MS/4 medium, roots were removed from in vitro germinated plantlets and one 1-cm long nodal segment was cultured vertically into shoot induction medium in culture tubes (25 × 150 mm

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