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-Cox 1 , and Steven M. Cohan 1 . 1 University of Maryland, Department of Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture, College Park, MD 20742; 2 University of Maryland, Wye Research and Education Center, Queenstown, MD 21601 Extensive green roof systems

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Ernest Shelton van Tassel. He planted the first macadamia plantation on 75 acres of land on Tantalus, Oahu, and founded the Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Company. Oahu Island was not to be the future home of Hawaii’s macadamia industry, rather Hawaii Island with

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; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2007 ]. Gardening is one of the most popular home-based leisure activities in the United States ( Ashton-Shaeffer and Constant, 2005 ) and has been reported as the second most common leisure activity, after

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’s overall adaptation and sociality development. Furthermore, it profoundly affects the emotional development of the child, including the skills necessary to manage stress ( Cho, 2012 ). Therefore, a multilateral approach toward improvement in peer status is

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fan (Utilitech; Lowe’s Home Improvement, Mooresville, NC) was placed in each freezer on the internal shelf created by the compressor volume and supplied power through an extension cord. Fans were aimed at the front internal wall of the chamber to

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garden. One of the most important trends in home landscapes and gardens is low maintenance, in other words, easy-care ( American Nurseryman, 2016 ). A rose that is low maintenance needs to be resistant to both biotic and abiotic stresses and have a full

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Historically, there has been a high consumer expectation for turfgrass quality and performance in home lawns and landscapes leading to greater fertilizer use and water consumption over the years ( Osmond and Hardy, 2004 ). Interest in conserving

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urban landscapes in the desert environment of Las Cruces, NM, using directly measured landscape data. Classification methods are detailed in Al-Ajlouni et al. (2013) . Briefly, the landscapable area around 54 residential homes was divided into 158 zones

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decreasing costs and increasing efficiency of production practices. Floriculture and nursery operations in the United States have traditionally been located near population centers, and currently tend to be concentrated in coastal areas ( USDA, 2007a ).This

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Research and Extension Center, Overton ( Pemberton, 2017 ); and the University of Georgia, Athens ( Ruter, 2017 ). Botanic gardens also conduct trials and publish results for their local area Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL ( Hawke, 2013 ; 2017

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