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It is estimated that in the Spanish Southeast, there is a soilless surface of ≈5500 ha (13,590.80 acres) ( Urrestarazu, 2013 ) that consumes ≈500 to 700 L (109.98 to 153.98 gal) of water per square meter each year. Water use in soilless culture

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root surface per unit volume of substrate coincided with established knowledge of vegetable plants (cucumber) in soilless culture in rockwool ( Van Noordwijk and Raats, 1980 ) ( Table 3 ). Apart from some exceptions in the cultivation of pepper and

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yields may occur under greenhouse conditions than field systems because plants can be arranged more uniformly, avoiding large gaps between plants and rows while simultaneously optimizing light interception. Soilless culture and vertical plant growth

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In soilless culture, bark-based substrates continue to be a leading soilless substrate in container production ( Gruda 2021 ). Bark was previously (< 1970s) considered a by-product of the timber industry and was deemed a useless, costly waste

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density and year-round production attainable with CEA optimize space use and can help overcome challenges associated with costs and availability of land in urban settings. Moreover, soilless culture systems allow plants to grow in nonconventional spaces

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developed for open-field cultivation conditions, and its practical application requires the use of various input parameters such as soil heat flux density and wind speed. The existing P-M equation tends to overestimate the ET c under soilless culture

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“vegetables are not formed of water, but of a certain peculiar terrestrial matter.” Soilless culture began gaining traction as a research tool for plant physiology more than a century later. Jean-Baptiste Boussingault applied hydroponic principles by using

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, 2 to 4, and 4 to 8 mm. The use of 0 to 4-mm tuff resulted in optimal and consistent flower quality, and holds promise for improving growth and flower quality of lilies grown under soilless culture. School Garden Utilization and Sustainability

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.T. Urrestarazu, M. 2014 Effect of controlling the leaching fraction on the fertigation and production of a tomato crop under soilless culture Sci. Hort. 179 153 157 Sonneveld, C. Straver, N. 1994 Voedingsoplossingen voor groenten en bloemen geteeld in water of

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anion contributing to crop growth ( Marschner, 2002 ), but also one of the major contributors to horticulture-related pollution through leaching, particularly in areas where crops are grown in soilless culture with nonrecirculating nutrient solution

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