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characteristics and other beneficial traits, a large number of novel cultivars of Dendrobium have been produced through interspecific hybridization in Japan and Korea. In China, there are 74 native species and two varieties of Dendrobium classified into 12

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forage availability ( Pimentel 2009 ), interfere with native plant populations and fauna ( Fletcher et al. 2019 ), and disrupt hydrological processes ( Zou et al. 2017 ). Invasive species (accounting for plants, pathogens, and animals) cause damage valued

Open Access

The binational Southwest remains rich in native crop land races and crop wild relatives, despite numerous pressures favoring genetic erosion. Native Seeds/SEARCH is promoting in situ conservation in traditional Indian fields and nearby wild habitats, but also maintains a gene bank as a back-up, to allow future reintroductions. Seeds are distributed to Native American communities for free, and their value is reinforced through a variety of educational materials and presentations. Our regional focus allows us to serve as an effective bridge between in situ and ex situ conservationists, between Indian and international organizations, and between tribes. Methods, ethics and accomplishments to date will be highlighted.

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. quercifolia is relatively recent, with only a few cultivars that have known pedigrees available ( Reed, 2010 ; Reed and Alexander, 2015 ). Additionally, the native range of the species is relatively small in the southeastern United States, making it amenable

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Nineteen native blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) clones selected from several areas in northern Florida and southeastern Georgia were self- and cross-pollinated in a greenhouse. Fruit set for the 19 clones averaged 15% after self-pollination and 58% after cross-pollination. Viable seeds per berry averaged four for self-pollination and 11 for cross-pollination. Average berry weight was 0.7 g for self-pollination and 1.1 g for cross-pollination, and average interval from flowering to ripening was 106 days for selfing and 92 days for crossing. Following self-pollination, pollen germinated and pollen tubes grew down the style as rapidly as after cross-pollination.

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The Univ. of Minn. has undertaken a two year project to increase commercial production of native grass & forb seed. Spartina pectinata Link (prairie cordgrass), Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. (spiderwort), & Dalea purpurea Vent (purple prairie clover) were noted by producers as having low seed yield & often low germinability as well Field trials were conducted to compare yield of these three species in cultivation versus in a prairie matrix. Individuals were transplanted from a prairie into a cultivated plot in May 1992. The prairie plot was not modified, while the cultivated plot was fertilized, irrigated, weeded, & mulched. Yield components measured included number of inflorescences per plant, seed weight, & above-ground dry weight. T. ohiensis established readily & first season seed yield was significantly greater in cultivation than in the prairie. S. pectinata & D. purpurea in cultivation did not produce seed the first season; however, strong vegetative growth suggested that results similar to those achieved with T. ohiensis may be attained in subsequent growing seasons. Monocultural production of native species provides an opportunity to control inputs & competition & to utilize species-specific harvest practices.

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, interspecific hybridization and introgression were confirmed in more than 75% of the surveyed individuals. This study verified the value of DNA-based studies to distinguish between species of deciduous azaleas and indicated that introgression in native azaleas

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). Viburnum rufidulum , one of the 12 species native to North America ( U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2008 ), is a small deciduous tree capable of growing to a height of about 3.0 to 9.0 m ( Dirr, 2007 ). Cymes of small white flowers attract a variety of

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Common hops ( Humulus lupulus ) used in brewing are typically of European genetics and cultivated between latitudes 45°N to 50°N ( Dodds, 2017 ). Lesser studied, neomexicanus hops ( H. lupulus var. neomexicanus ) are native to the western United

Open Access

and ‘Pontinum Red’ (Sakata Seed Co., Yokohama, Japan) native rosella [ Abelmoschus moschatus ssp. tuberosus (Span.) Borss.] were sown on cell trays (23-mL cells, 16 per tray) filled with growing media (Tanemakibaido; Takii Seed Co., Ltd.). The

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