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. 888 63 72 Malik, N.S.A. Bradford, J.M. 2006 Regulation of flowering in ‘Arbequina’ olives under non-chilling conditions: The effect of high daytime temperatures on blooming J. Food Agr. Environ. 4 283 286 Martin, G.C. Ferguson, L. Sibbett, G.S. 2005

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like to buy the flowers in person because they enjoy the sensory pleasure derived from their beauty and fragrance. Consumers also want the floral gifts to have good blooming quality and longevity because they hope to maximize their purchase value and

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harvest by hand-thinning the leaf canopy and branch crowns, and then resuming fertigation of nitrogen fertilizer. This renovation process forces the plant to begin blooming again, with the second harvest beginning ≈30 d after renovation. Although several

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Karenia blooming? J. Continental Shelf Res. 28 73 98 Varlamoff, S. Florkowski, W.J. Jordan, J.L. Latimer, J. Braman, K. 2001 Georgia homeowner survey of landscape management practices HortTechnology 11 326 331 Walsh, J.J. Steidinger, K.A. 2001 Saharan

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while controlling for large variations in leaf and floral morphologies, growth habits, and blooming periods, which was a key and novel component of our study design ( Fig. 1 ). All native plants were sourced from three local nurseries, and all non

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Hydroponics is a promising method for cultivation of saffron (Crocus sativus). In this study, saffron corms were sprouted using a gradual decrease in air temperature, and they were cultivated hydroponically in either perlite or volcanic rock for 24 weeks. A nutrient solution was supplied using either an ebb-and-flow system or continuous immersion. First blooming was observed 29 days after transplantation. Among flowering traits, only the stigma length was significantly influenced by the type of hydroponic system. Saffron plants displayed better growth parameters, a higher photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance (g S), as well as daughter corm (cormlet) production under the continuous immersion system, in comparison with the ebb-and-flow system. Small corms (22–25 mm diameter) did not bloom, and the emergence of flowers increased with corm size. Plant growth and photosynthetic parameters, as well as cormlet production, significantly increased with corm size. We obtained the highest stigma yield [number of flowers (1.9), stigma length (39.4 mm), stigma fresh (42.8 mg), and dry weight (5.3 mg)] and cormlet yield [number of cormlets (5.7), average corm diameter (25 mm), and fresh weight (6.4 g)] using mother corms sized ≥32 mm diameter grown hydroponically in the volcanic rock–based continuous immersion system.

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from 30 March to 25 Apr. (a total of 26 d). Averaging values for actual full bloom dates or days from 1 Jan. from 2003 to 2007 revealed a 7-d or 89 °F GDD difference between the earliest-blooming and latest-blooming cultivars. These average values

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for late-blooming cultivars. Cold hardiness evaluations were done in early Spring after mild weather allowed for full symptom development from any prior cold injury. Data were collected only in Spring 2003 and 2004, as there was no apparent damage

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less pronounced in ranunculus, decreasing from 6.29 to 4.14 μmol⋅m –2 ⋅s –1 as EC increased from 0.5 to 5.5 dS⋅m –1 ( P = 0.18). Cut flower bloom timing and yield The blooming period lasted 44 d for anemone and 26 d for ranunculus. The

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. In 2016, an action threshold for row cover removal was reached when 50% of the plants in LT, PMT, and FMT plots had female flowers blooming. In 2017 and 2018, this action threshold was modified to begin at the first appearance of any blooming female

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