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powerhouse of nonstructural carbohydrate resources ( Marler and Dongol, 2016a ), and a reduction of these seed resources during direct seed infestations of A. yasumatsui may occur. Visual observation of infested ovules and seeds ( Fig. 1 ) illuminates the
regression model without mixed effects as a result of the blooms occurring only during one time point in the year (July). Assumptions of homoscedasticity and normality were verified by inspection of residual plots. Square root transformations were sufficient
. AFLP fragment files were processed into binary matrices using GeneMarker Version 1.95 software (SoftGenetics, State College, PA). Peaks were first scored with a 1 for present and 0 for absent, using automatic settings followed by visual inspection and
.72. Treatments with compost incorporation appeared to have better aggregation by visual inspection of bulk density samples, but the differences were not significant when assessed by wet sieving. Others have reported improved aggregate stability at similar compost
and soil fertility tests, a short list of permissible and restricted pesticides, and on-farm inspections to certify that growers are following appropriate guidelines. In much of western Europe as well as in countries exporting fruit to Europe, IFP has
pairs of distributions in each year, a representative season (2002–2003) was selected. A few comparisons illustrating differences among rootstocks were conducted after a visual inspection of the data. The economic impact of fruit size distribution was
monitored near the onset of the harvest season, and weekly inspection determined the most suitable harvest time for each individual so that all fruit were assessed at similar maturity. Maturity determination was based on a destructive starch–iodine reaction
dead and living canes and weighed separately. Separation into the two categories was determined by visual inspection of wood and bud color. Vine size was calculated as total biomass divided by within-row spacing or 2.4 m. Cluster thinning treatments
modifications. Quality and quantity of DNA was monitored by spectrophotometry and gel inspection. PCR amplification and analysis of ISSR data. To optimize PCR amplification conditions, the experiment was carried out in a total volume of 25 μL including DNA
-by-side visual inspections of LGs to allow for a preliminary assessment of map colinearity. The 14 common markers used were distributed among six LGs (LG1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7; Fig. 1 ). LG1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 each had at least two common markers, and LG5 had one