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  • variance decomposition x
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; Yu, 2004 ). Some orchid growers consider that this drop in pH may be caused by the decomposition of the moss. However, the decline in substrate pH during production may be the result of the characteristics of the moss, fertilizer applications, and the

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acetate exchangeable cations ( Soil Survey Laboratory Staff, 1992 ). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with SAS version 8 (Statistical Analysis System; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) PROCMIXED procedure. Means were separated using Fisher

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evaluated within years using a one-way analysis of variance for a completely randomized design with three replicates (JMP, Version 7; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). When significant effects were indicated within years, means were compared using Tukey

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decomposition of composted sawdust and pine bark on microorganism activity (CO 2 evolution, ammonification, nitrification) and density. Dickinson and Carlile (1995) conducted a study on combinations of composted pine and spruce bark and chipboard and paper

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., 2009 ). Rapid and substantial decomposition and release of organic matters were found in wetland plants after a growing season. Odum and Heywood (1978) quantified that 40% to 50% biomass in Pontederia cordata , Sagittaria lancifolia , and Peltandra

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.0 software. Data were compared via one-way analysis of variance using IBM SPSS 19.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL), 0.05 was considered a significant difference and 0.01 a highly significant difference. Results Rhizosphere soil respiration and oxygen

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., 1989 ; Zeng et al., 2008 ). The dissociation of mineral K from soil by organic acids is mainly achieved by organic complexes consisting of organic ligands that are capable of chelation of metal ions, which can accelerate the decomposition of minerals

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carbohydrates in biomass, thereby speeding the decomposition rates. LAB can increase yields and plant growth. Olle and Williams (2013) noted yield increases of 43% in peas in Europe. Similar studies have noted increases in the yield ( Iwaishi, 2000 ; Khaliq et

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channels and accelerates the rate of organic matter decomposition, which collectively can lead to poor water penetration ( Gulick et al., 1994 ). Maintaining and managing floor vegetation through mowing is much less disruptive to the soil and therefore can

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morphological and agronomic characteristics between the Kentucky bluegrass classification types, data from cultivars and selections within types were combined and subjected to analysis of variance. Means were separated using Fisher's protected least significant

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