a week before ABA application. Abscisic acid phytotoxicity The phytotoxicity of ABA was evaluated in leaves and nodes. Visual observation of leaf distortion was made 24 h after ABA application and leaf injury was assessed and recorded a week after
rhizosphere with complex interaction between root exudates, chemicals, and microbes can alter successive plant growth. Excessive accumulations of salts and phytotoxic organic acids are likely responsible for continuous cropping obstacles in eustoma. Hot water
phytotoxic effects of chlorinated water on herbaceous ornamental and vegetable plants and even less so on woody ornamentals. Frink and Bugbee (1987) reported that geranium and begonia receiving chlorinated water declined in growth. Brown (1991) also
irrigation restrictions to reduce the likelihood of phytotoxic effects on nonfood crops. Quinclorac is labeled for postemergence weed control in rice ( Oryza sativa ) and in warm- and cool-season grasses, including tall fescue ( Festuca spp.), kentucky
several broadleaf and grass weeds with preemergence applications of oxyfluorfen at 0.6 kg a.i./ha. Treated plots exhibited higher crop yields than weedy control plots with minimal olive tree phytotoxicity ( Montemurro et al., 2002 ). Flumioxazin, isoxaben
-EDTA causes spray damage at concentrations greater than 200 mg⋅L –1 . When applying 500 mg⋅L –1 Ca from Ca-EDTA, the concentration of the EDTA component is 4500 mg⋅L –1 . In poinsettia cuttings, phytotoxic responses were observed from Ca-EDTA spray
Talstar 10WP insecticide/Miticide (bifenthrin) is used for the control of a broad spectrum of economic pests on ornamentals. Over 100 species of greenhouse and field–grown plants, trees and shrubs have been shown to exhibit no phytotoxic response to the wettable powder formulation. Research efforts with alternative bifenthrin, formulations, which exhibit equivalent pest efficacy and lack of phytotoxicity, may also provide unique application opportunities.
growth was substantial, requiring three to four periods of extensive hand weeding until full establishment of the turf. In a New Zealand study, eight postemergent herbicides were evaluated for weed control and plant phytotoxicity after spraying over
Previous research indicated that soybean oil effectively controlled insects and mites on ornamentals. In some conditions, emulsified oil sprays have also been shown to cause phytotoxicity. The objective of this research was to determine which soybean oil emulsions and/or emulsifiers produced the least amount of phytotoxicity on miniature roses. Greenhouse-grown `Fashion' (pink), `Fiesta' (fuchsia), `Tender' (white), `Orange' (red), and `Bronze' (yellow) miniature roses in trade-gallon containers were sprayed once in late fall 1998. Treatments included: 1) water (control); 1% concentrations of commercial soybean oil formulations of 2) Soygold 1000 and 3) Soygold 2000 (Ag Environmental Products), 4) Emulsion A and 5) Emulsion B (Michigan Molecular Institute); 1% soybean oil emulsified with 6) 0.1% Ballistol (F.W. Klever, Germany), 7) 0.1% ERUCiCHEM (International Lubricants), 8) 0.1% ERUCiCHEM mixed with 0.01% lecithin (Chem Service), 9) 0.1% soy methylester (Michigan Molecular Institute), 10) 0.06% Atlox and 0.04% Tween (ICI Americas), 11) 0.1% E-Z-Mulse (Florida Chemical Company), or 12) 0.1% Latron B-1956 (Rohm & Haas). The emulsifiers were also tested alone for phytotoxicity to rose foliage. None of the emulsifiers caused significant damage. Soybean oil emulsified with E-Z-Mulse did not cause significant phytotoxicity as indicated by chlorosis of foliage. The commercially prepared Emulsion A, Soygold 1000 and Soygold 2000 caused slight phytotoxicity. Emulsion B and soybean oil plus Latron B-1956 caused moderate phytotoxicity. The soybean oil-Ballistol emulsion was the most phytotoxic. Cultivars varied in sensitivity (P < 0.01) to soybean oil emulsions (listed in the order of increasing sensitivity): `Orange', `Fashion', `Bronze', `Fiesta', and `Tender'.
The IR-4 program works to identify potential minor-use horticultural chemicals and evaluate them for phytotoxicity and efficacy. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate phytotoxicity and weed control of three unlabeled herbicides on field production of Hemerocallis spp. `Ming Toy'. Ten-cm pots of `Ming Toy' were planted into the field 16 July 2001. Each plot consisted of 3 plants per treatment with 6 replications in a completely random design. Each herbicide was analyzed as a separate experiment. Herbicide treatments consisted of clopyralid (0.14, 0.28, 0.56, or 1.1 kg·ha-1 a.i.), clethodim (125, 250, or 500 mL·L-1 a.i.), or bentazon (1.1, 2.2, or 4.4 kg·ha-1 a.i.). Data collected included weed number, percentage of weed coverage (% weed coverage), and phytotoxicity and foliar color ratings for `Ming Toy'. Clopyralid reduced total weed number 90 DAT although % weed coverage was similar or worse compared to the control treatment. Phytotoxicity 90 DAT was not significant for plants treated with clopyralid, but foliar color ratings were reduced. Application of clethodim to `Ming Toy' plots, regardless of rate, resulted in similar weed numbers compared to the control 49 DAT. Clethodim application, regardless of rate, reduced % weed coverage compared to the control treatment. Phytotoxicity 90 DAT was not significant, regardless of herbicide treatment, but foliar color ratings were lower for herbicide treated plants compared to the control. Bentazon, regardless of rate, reduced weed number and % weed coverage 49 DAT compared to the control. Phytotoxicity was similar to the control for plants treated with 1.1 kg·ha-1 a.i.