regimes as well as numerous other characters. Relatively few efforts were undertaken to alter the nutritional content of harvested grain or vegetables during this time period, and few, if any, breeding efforts monitored nutritional quality as a component
The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical account of the phosphorus nutrition of plants in soils, including some of the evidence and thinking related to it. Because these remarks are directed to the “nutrient-solution fraternity,” a comparison of nutrient solutions and soils in respect of certain aspects of phosphorus nutrition may be an appropriate introduction.
In speaking on the nutritional quality of vegetables, one might expect a review of the vitamin and mineral content of these foods, vegetable by vegetable and vitamin by vitamin. To do that would be a considerable task, rather uninteresting to listen to, and just mere repetition of material already thoroughly documented in nutrition tables.
Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a major vegetable crop widely grown and consumed (fresh and processed forms) throughout the world. Tomato fruit are rich sources of nutritional components with antioxidant activity such as vitamin C, phenolics
, or ice cream, but, until recently, they were not considered of value for their nutritional attributes. Lately, however, pecan kernels have been observed to be beneficial for human health in numerous ways. They improve the serum lipid profile and may
source of bioactive nutrients such as vitamin C, provitamin A (carotenoids), phenolic compounds, and potassium, which define its nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity ( Flores et al., 2004 ). Carotenoids, particularly lycopene, are powerful natural
Foliar fertilization is an important agricultural practice for sustainable management and is used to help increase the yield of annual crops such as cowpea ( Fernández et al., 2013 ). This technique is used to correct nutritional deficiencies
The N requirement of legumes can be met by inorganic N assimilation and symbiotic N 2 fixation, and in practice, legumes obtain their N through both processes. The extent of damage caused by water stress depends on N nutrition among other factors
( Morrow, 2008 ). LEDs now provide the ability to measure impacts of narrow-band wavelengths of light on nutritional values of a variety of specialty crops such as chili pepper [ Capsicum annuum ( Gangadhar et al., 2012 )], cucumber [ Cucumis sativus
Schnitzler, 2004 ). Based on these circumstances, the objective of this article was to determine the minimum DLI for sweet basil production with comparable nutritional values in indoor vertical farming. Materials and Methods Plant materials and culture. The