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select individuals with novel flower color or flower shape in the F1 generation. The morphological and molecular differences of the reciprocal cross hybrids were further analyzed to elucidate the inheritance patterns on different traits and to facilitate

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to understand how irrigation impacts growth of lavender in greenhouse production because water impacts plant growth, morphology, and physiology ( Jones and Tardieu, 1998 ; Kramer and Boyer, 1995 ). Plants grown at low-substrate volumetric water

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system to maintain substrates constantly at a range of θ levels and found that gaura ( Gaura lindheimeri ) had shorter branches and was more compact when grown at lower θ, yet some species showed no significant morphological changes when grown under

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pollen and cytological traits. The objectives of this study are to characterize fully the chromosome and pollen morphology, pollen stainability, and nuclear DNA content of gulf vervain. Materials and Methods Plant materials. Gulf vervain

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improved varieties. EMS as a mutagen has been reported to affect the physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, and morphology of plants differently, depending on its concentration. Various studies have been conducted on using mutagens to improve morphological

Open Access

great significance. The morphological characteristics (plant height, stem girth, inflorescence length, single fruit weight, etc.) and fruit quality traits (fruit flavor, total sugar, total acids, protein content, etc.) of 17 coconut germplasm resources

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Several morphological features of Vaccinium ashei Reade, V. constablaei A. Gray, their F1 hybrids, V. simulatum Small, and southern highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum L. hybrids) flowers were compared in Gainesville, Fla. Desirable characteristics that could increase the extent of honeybee pollination, such as a large corolla aperture and a short anther-to-stigma distance, were common in V. constablaei but not in V. ashei. F1 (V. ashei × V. constablaei) hybrids were generally intermediate between the two parents. Thus, it appears that V. constablaei could be used to breed V. ashei cultivars with improved flower morphology. Vaccinium simulatum and V. constablaei flowers were similar in all features. The corollas of southern highbush blueberry flowers were wide and had wide apertures, but the distance between stigma and anther pore was also large.

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morphologically ( Álvarez and Sánchez-Blanco, 2014 ). Reclaimed water irrigation can induce foliar damage on landscape plants resulting in poor overall landscape appearance. As more communities are considering reclaimed water irrigation, it is urgent to identify

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), the resistance has not been transferred into garden impatiens through conventional breeding. The two species are unable to produce viable seeds and offspring because of differences between the species in chromosome number, morphology, and size

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widespread and morphologically highly variable taxon here recognized as Ruellia simplex Wright (“Britton’s Petunia,” “Mexican Petunia,” or “Mexican Bluebell”). Scientific names for this plant that have been used throughout the botanical and horticultural

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